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Tag Archives: Terry Moore
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #44

All right, let’s do this! Hell Yeah #1 Writer: Joe Keatinge Artist: Andre Szymanowicz “Hell Yeah” is a strange comic. It’s got the traditional Image violence and shock value, but it’s blending it with what seems to be the “new direction” that the art from Image books has continued to do. Image has had a nice little relaunch here with the reboots of Prophet and Glory, and this book lines up with Thief of Thieves as another brand new entry into that direction. The story involves a super-powered kid who isn’t living up to his potential until some alternate reality … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Age of Apocalypse, Defenders, Fatale, Image Comics, Terry Moore, The Boys
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #213

Fatale #1 — Writer: Ed Brubaker; Art: Sean Phillips Fatale is the latest crime/noir book from the Brubaker/Phillips team; it’s distinguished from the various Criminal stories because it mixes in a fantasy/horror element. It’s also very well done; this first issue is a textbook example of how to set up an intriguing cast of characters: a damaged hero, a mysterious woman, shadowy pursuers, etc. Brubaker and Phillips, as always, make a smooth team — if you’re going to build a story around a woman who’s irresistible to men, you need an artist who can deliver that, and Phillips can do … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Avengers, Defenders, Ed Brubaker, Eric Powell, Fatale, grant Morrison, Matt Fraction, O.M.A.C., Rachel Rising, Sean Phillips, Terry Moore, The Boys, The Goon, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #209

Rachel Rising #3 — Writer/Artist: Terry Moore We’re still in “set up the mystery” mode, as the title character, having clawed her way out of a shallow grave, exhibits spooky precog powers and watches bad things happen to other people. There’s some kind of possession thing going on, and it’s all very well staged, and drawn very prettily too. Echo, Moore’s last effort, was remarkably well thought out, so I trust that the eventual explanation here will be a lot of fun, and involve a lot of action. With only four issues so far, readers still have time to get in … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Batgirl, Batwoman, Bendis, Demon Knights, Fear Itself, Frankenstein, Garth Ennis, Green Lantern, Jason Aaron, Jennifer Blood, Journey into Mystery, New Avengers, Punishermax, Rachel Rising, Resurrection Man, Terry Moore, Ultimate Spider-man, Wolverine
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #202

Ultimate Fallout #4 (of 6) — Writers: Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer; Art: Sara Pichelli, Salvador Larroca, Clayton Crain This is the book that features the debut of the new, multiracial Ultimate Spider-Man. It’s only eight pages (the other parts involve Ultimate Reed Richards escaping the negative zone, and Val Cooper talking to a reporter who’s about to break a big story), but it’s gotten Marvel all the publicity it could have hoped for. Is it any good? Eight pages isn’t enough to tell; one downside for me was that the new guy’s Spidey dialogue is exactly the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Bendis, Flashpoint, Hero Comics 2011, Infinite, Jonah Hex, Kirkman, Liefeld, Neil Gaiman, Rachel Rising, Secret Six, Terry Moore, Ultimate Spider-man, Usagi Yojimbo
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #198

15 Love #1 (of 3) — Writer: Andi Watson; Art: Tommy Ohtsuka As the title implies, this is a comic about tennis — and, as hinted by the artist’s last name, it’s done in a very straight-ahead, clean manga style. Watson’s a dependably quirky and entertaining writer, very good at getting the small nooks and crannies of everyday life right, and this tale of a young female protagonist who’s good at tennis, but not good enough — and the rumpled coach who tries to help her — is a comfortably familiar story that’s capable of going off in unexpected directions. … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged 15 Love, Adam Warren, Andi Watson, Bendis, Echo, Empowered, Flashpoint, Jeff Lemire, Kieron Gillen, Loki, Spider-man, Terry Moore, X-men
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