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Tag Archives: Flashpoint
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #29

Watching Breaking Bad leads to a very odd set of reviews. There’s something about meth that just puts ya in the mind frame. They’re not rocks folks, they’re minerals. Let’s do this! Hellboy: The Fury #3 Writer: Mike Mignola Artist: Duncan Fegredo SPOILER! Hey! Hellboy’s dead now. So there’s that. This whole story led to a grand conclusion that send Hellboy to… Hell. Oddly Enough. The whole point of Mignola’s universe of characters is the journey. Every story links up to form this giant beautiful continuity that actually is not inaccessible for new readers. Consistently having Fegredo provide his off-kilter … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Batgirl, Batman, Black Panther, Criminal, Fear Itself, Flashpoint, Hellboy, Punisher, Spiderman
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #202

Ultimate Fallout #4 (of 6) — Writers: Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer; Art: Sara Pichelli, Salvador Larroca, Clayton Crain This is the book that features the debut of the new, multiracial Ultimate Spider-Man. It’s only eight pages (the other parts involve Ultimate Reed Richards escaping the negative zone, and Val Cooper talking to a reporter who’s about to break a big story), but it’s gotten Marvel all the publicity it could have hoped for. Is it any good? Eight pages isn’t enough to tell; one downside for me was that the new guy’s Spidey dialogue is exactly the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Bendis, Flashpoint, Hero Comics 2011, Infinite, Jonah Hex, Kirkman, Liefeld, Neil Gaiman, Rachel Rising, Secret Six, Terry Moore, Ultimate Spider-man, Usagi Yojimbo
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #27

This was a pretty good week folks, full of hits and misses all over the place. So let us reel some of these out and judge them accordingly! Ultimate Fallout: Spider-Man No More #1 (of 6) Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Leinil Yu/Stephen Segovia The Ultimate Universe has its fair share of problems, but every once in a while Bendis can write a sick comic, and that’s the case here. Everyone has their own character moment of reacting to the new Spider-Man; things get shaken up and “nothing will … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Alpha Flight, Black Panther, Captain America, Fantastic Four, FF, Flashpoint, Frankenstein, Green Lantern, Punisher, Spider-man, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #200

Flashpoint #3 (of 5) — Writer: Geoff Johns; Pencils: Andy Kubert; Inks: Sandra Hope This being the middle of five chapters, it’s the appropriate time for our lead character to regain his powers (by doing the exact same thing he did in the previous issue, only adding more… cowbell, or something), and try to get the JLA band back together — although, as it turns out, some of the members are in better shape than others. As a main event, this comic has been a lot more focused than Marvel’s Fear Itself — it’s shorter, and the problem (undo the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Adam Kubert, Batman, Doctor Solar, Fear Itself, Flashpoint, Gail Simone, Geoff Johns, Jeff Lemire, Jim Shooter, Jonah Hex, Matt Fraction, Secret Six, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #199

Ultimate Spider-Man #160 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Pencils: Mark Bagley; Inkers: Andy Lanning with Andrew Hennessy This comes in a bag, but considering the title it’s probably not a spoiler to say that, yes, there’s a death scene with the main character (of course, there was one in Superman #75, too, and we all know how that turned out, so…). Bendis and Bagley, who’ve worked on the title for eleven years (straight, for Bendis) do a good job with it; it’s an affecting end to the story, and one true to the themes that the book has covered since … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Bendis, Bucky, Captain America, Dark Horse Presents, Flashpoint, Matt Fraction, Swamp Thing, Thor, Ultimate Spider-man
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