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Tag Archives: Jonah Hex
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #280

All-Star Western #34 — Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray; Art: Darwyn Cooke This is the last issue of this book, ending an eight-year run (70 issues of the pre-New 52 Jonah Hex immediately preceded it): an impressive accomplishment for a western book in today’s market. Part of that is attributable to Palmiotti and Gray’s steady, solid writing — most of their earlier stories were one-issue tales, with a good grasp of their surly, barely-heroic protagonist and his gruff charms, while later ones were marketing-savvy enough to take him to the 1800s Gotham City and even, for a while, to the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged All-new X-men, Avengers, Groo, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jonah Hex, Low, Mind Mgmt, Outcast, Pop, Saga, Silver Surfer, Sundowners, Superman, The Goon, Wayward
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #227

Everybody Loves Tank Girl #1 — Writer: Alan Martin; Art: Jim Mahfood This gets first place this week because Mahfood (who has a big Phoenix connection, having attended ASU and drawn for New Times for a number of years) turns out to be a perfect artist for the ordinance-obsessed Australian riot grrl. With scripts by Martin, her original co-creator, all the characters “sound” right, and, given the typically tossed-off nature of the stories here, Mahfood’s knack for humor, cartoon violence and obsessively-detailed background bits adds just the right ingrediants. If Jamie Hewlitt stays too busy with the Gorillaz to draw … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Aquaman, Eric Powell, Goon, Green Lantern, Hawken, Jim Mahfood, Jonah Hex, Prophet, Spider-man, Tank Girl, Tim Truman, Wolverine
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #223

Batman Incorporated #1 — Writer: Grant Morrison; Art: Chris Burnham After almost a year, it’s nice to have this back, and Morrison offers many of his old tricks: the first-page flash-forward, showing Bruce Wayne in a bad place; the vast conspiracies; the perspective switch to humanize one of the faceless minions; the shock ending; Batman and Damian and Talia and all the moves and counter-moves between Wayne’s forces and Leviathan’s: then, add the art, which is quite good at communicating the action, and looks Quitely-like in some of the expressions and poses (Morrison’s scripts have similar effects on his artists). … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Aquaman, Batman Incorporated, Dark Horse Presents, Jonah Hex, Journey into Mystery, Mind Mgmt, Prophet, Ragemoor, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #219

Avengers Vs. X-Men #0 — Writers: Brian Michael Bendis and Jason Aaron; Art: Frank Cho Bendis provides a Scarlet Witch story wherein Wanda (a) fights M.O.D.O.K., (b) talks to Carol Danvers, who convinces her to go to Avengers Mansion, and (c) actually goes to said mansion, wherein she meets the Vision (it’s a good idea to read Avengers #24.1 before this book, if you’re wondering what the Vision is doing there and why he acts the way he does), and things don’t go well. The Cho art is fun to look at, in its mildly cheesecakey way, and the story … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Avengers Vx. X-Men, Daredevil, Hawken, Jonah Hex, Moon Knight, New Deadwardians, Snarked!, Spaceman, Thor, Tim Truman, Unwritten, Vision
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #39 by Dan!

So… funny story. I got a real job. (What are we….chopped liver? Editor Alan!) But I don’t have the actual guts to just up and quit this job, so you won’t be seeing any less of me here on this blog. Let’s do this! TMNT Micro-Series #2 Michelangelo Writer: Brian Lynch Artist: Andy Kuhn: All right you guys, I don’t’ know why I feel like some kind of huge sell-out, but I am absolutely Loving this new TMNT series. This micro-series is not even remotely a step down in quality from the current series, and it’s just pure fun. I … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Aquaman, Batman, Black Panther, Captain America, Flash, Haunt, Jonah Hex, Justice League, Secret Avengers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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