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Tag Archives: Ed Brubaker
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #229

Daredevil #17 — Writer: Mark Waid; Art: Michael Allred Guest artist Allred puts this book at the top this week (although it doesn’t need a lot of help — the letters page mentions the three Eisner awards it won this year, for best writer, best continuing series and best single issue (#7), and also lists the great artists it’s had — the Riveras, Marcos Martin and Chris Samnee — so it’s been doing just fine, thanks). The story’s little more than treading water from last issue’s Matt/Foggy split — DD muses about an earlier case he and Nelson argued over … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Alabaster, Amazing Spider-man, Avengers, Captain Marvel. Walking Dead, Daredevil, Ed Brubaker, Fatale, Michael Allred, Popeye, Saga, Tank Girl, The Victories, X-men
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #52 by Dan!

By having entry 52, this means I’ve been doing these reviews for 2 years. How times flies! I’d like to thank you all for reading and I’m sure you’d like to thank me for writing. Well, here’s some more writing for you to be reading (I’m just going in circles), Let’s do this! Manhattan Projects #4 Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Nick Pitarra While Hickman embraces subtlety and the slow burn in his other title, Secret, this book is where he really goes out of his mind. It’s like he had a bunch of pent-up ideas about creations and people and … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Alan Moore, Batman, Ed Brubaker, Fatale, Gilbert Hernandez, HIt Girl, Hulk, Mark Millar, Spider-man, TMNT, Ultimates, Watchmen, Wolverine, X-men
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It Came From the Back Room #46

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items (these are featured at the discount racks at the west end of the store for a couple of weeks after each post, and then go to the discount racks on the east end of the store for a few weeks, and then disappear into our warehouses, so get them while you can). I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (especially with the school semester in full gear), this amounts to … Continue reading
It Came From the Back Room #42

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items (these are featured at the discount racks at the west end of the store for a couple of weeks after each post, and then go to the discount racks on the east end of the store for a few weeks, and then disappear into our warehouses, so get them while you can). I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (especially with the school semester in full gear), this amounts to … Continue reading
Posted in Comics History, DC, News & Promos, Reviews
Tagged Batman, Batwoman, Detective Comics, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, J.H. Williams III, Paul Dini, Scott Snyder
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #213

Fatale #1 — Writer: Ed Brubaker; Art: Sean Phillips Fatale is the latest crime/noir book from the Brubaker/Phillips team; it’s distinguished from the various Criminal stories because it mixes in a fantasy/horror element. It’s also very well done; this first issue is a textbook example of how to set up an intriguing cast of characters: a damaged hero, a mysterious woman, shadowy pursuers, etc. Brubaker and Phillips, as always, make a smooth team — if you’re going to build a story around a woman who’s irresistible to men, you need an artist who can deliver that, and Phillips can do … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Avengers, Defenders, Ed Brubaker, Eric Powell, Fatale, grant Morrison, Matt Fraction, O.M.A.C., Rachel Rising, Sean Phillips, Terry Moore, The Boys, The Goon, X-men
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