Happy 2025!
It’s hard to believe it’s almost five years since the retail part of AABC closed, but we are still selling thousands of early comics on eBay (seller AMGIROUX) weekly and through mail order. We still have hundreds of thousands of comics to sell so feel free to email us with your want list:Alan @AllAboutComics.comFacebook
Tag Archives: Punishermax
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #212
Fables #112 — Writer: Bill Willingham; Pencils: Mark Buckingham; Inks: Steve Leialoha, Andrew Pepoy and Dan Green In a week that’s a holiday gift to readers — after what’s turned into a great year for comics, there were at least a dozen noteworthy ones just this Wednesday — Fables gets first position this week because it’s a Christmas story, of sorts. While we check in with most of the current subplots (but not the one involving Bufkin, Willingham leaving his fate, literally, hanging), the main thread involves Rose Red and a story about hope, taking its structure from A Christmas … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #209
Rachel Rising #3 — Writer/Artist: Terry Moore We’re still in “set up the mystery” mode, as the title character, having clawed her way out of a shallow grave, exhibits spooky precog powers and watches bad things happen to other people. There’s some kind of possession thing going on, and it’s all very well staged, and drawn very prettily too. Echo, Moore’s last effort, was remarkably well thought out, so I trust that the eventual explanation here will be a lot of fun, and involve a lot of action. With only four issues so far, readers still have time to get in … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Batgirl, Batwoman, Bendis, Demon Knights, Fear Itself, Frankenstein, Garth Ennis, Green Lantern, Jason Aaron, Jennifer Blood, Journey into Mystery, New Avengers, Punishermax, Rachel Rising, Resurrection Man, Terry Moore, Ultimate Spider-man, Wolverine
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #2 by Dan!
After some much needed post-San Diego Comic-Con rest, I’m back for a HUGE week of comics. Lots to talk about, and plenty to say, so here we go! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Time Lincoln: Fists of Fuhrer #1 Writer/Artist: Fred Perry I cannot stress this enough: Time Lincoln is awesome. If you have any problems with Abraham Lincoln firing a laser gun at winged nazis to help get Ben Franklin to save Albert Einstein, then we can’t be friends. To think that this is one guy doing all the work (both story and art) is … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Marvel, New Comics, News and Events, Reviews
Tagged 7 Psychopaths, Batgman Widening Gyre, Brian Wood, Buzzard, Deadpool Team-Up, Doug Mahnke, Ed Brubaker, Fear Agent, Flash, Franken-Castle, Geoff Johns, Georges Jeanty, grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, J.T. Krull, Jason Aaron, Judd Winick, Justice League Generation Lost, keith Giffen, Mike Deodato, Northlanders, Outsiders, Punishermax, Rasl, Return of Bruce Wayne, Rick Remender, Sean Phillips, Secret Avengers, Steve Dillon, Thor, Time Lincoln: Fists of Fuher, Western, Wonder Woman
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