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Tag Archives: Kieron Gillen
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #218

Saga #1 — Writer: Brian K. Vaughan; Art: Fiona Staples Vaughan’s last extended series was Y: The Last Man, so he’s got a reputation to uphold, and this debut issue does so nicely: it’s a fantasy/Star Wars/Romeo and Juliet mashup, with all the sprawl its name implies — but this first issue focuses very tightly on just two characters, and the third one they produce. It’s very well done, and Staples brings enormous talent to the drawing: she’s just the kind of artist I admire, able to work with small human expressions and double-page city-destroying splashes (with giant turtles added!) … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Becky Cloonan, Brian K. Vaughan, Brian Michael Bendis, Brian Wood, Buffy, Conan, Crossed, Fantastic Four, Fiona Staples, Garth Ennis, Journey into Mystery, Kieron Gillen, Powers, Saga, Shade, Wolverine, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #198

15 Love #1 (of 3) — Writer: Andi Watson; Art: Tommy Ohtsuka As the title implies, this is a comic about tennis — and, as hinted by the artist’s last name, it’s done in a very straight-ahead, clean manga style. Watson’s a dependably quirky and entertaining writer, very good at getting the small nooks and crannies of everyday life right, and this tale of a young female protagonist who’s good at tennis, but not good enough — and the rumpled coach who tries to help her — is a comfortably familiar story that’s capable of going off in unexpected directions. … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged 15 Love, Adam Warren, Andi Watson, Bendis, Echo, Empowered, Flashpoint, Jeff Lemire, Kieron Gillen, Loki, Spider-man, Terry Moore, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #194

Journey Into Mystery #622 — Writer: Kieron Gillen; Pencils: Dougie Braithwaite; Colorist: Ulises Arreola This title takes over the numbering of the old Thor, since series writer Matt Fraction is leaving to helm the new Thor the Mighty (you’d think some sort of media event starring the Asgardian Avenger was coming…). Gillen handled a few Thor stories last year, and did a good job, and here delivers a young-Loki tale that’s layered, lyrical and actually makes you like the complicated little trickster; it’s a sign that, with a crossover mini-series and a movie all throwing a big spotlight on the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Ba, Bendis, Birds of Prey, Butcher Baker, Casanova, Dodson, Flash, Geoff Johns, Hellboy, Kieron Gillen, Kirkman, Matt Fraction, Moon, Nowlan, Simone, Spider-man, Thor, Walking Dead, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #186

Batman, Inc. #2 — Writer: Grant Morrison; Pencils: Yanick Paquette; Inks: Michel Lacombe So far, this version of Morrison’s Batman is a lot of fun — no overarching cosmic significance, or Invisibles-like time-spanning conspiracies: just brainy, fun superhero action in Japan, with relaxed, grown-up repartee between a confident Bruce and Catwoman (because, really, giant octupi and murderous reincarnated skeleton guys have no chance against the two of them when they’re at the top of their games), and a nice little bow at the end, to wrap up this first installment in the franchising of the Dark Knight in fine style. … Continue reading