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Tag Archives: The Goon
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #515

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #1 (Legacy #58) — Writer: Saladin Ahmed; Pencils: Minkyu Jung; Inks: Juan Vlasco; Colors: Ian Herring The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #42 (Legacy #50) — Writer: Ryan North; Art: Erica Henderson, Naomi Franquiz and Derek Charm; Colors: Rico Renzi Shuri #6 — Writer: Vita Ayala; Art: Paul Davidson; Colors: Triona Farrell Age of Conan: Belit #1 (of 5) — Writer: Tini Howard; Art: Kate Niemczyk; Colors: Jason Keith Runaways #19 — Writer: Rainbow Rowell; Art: Andres Genolet; Colors: Triona Farrell A common comic stereotype by non-comics readers is that they’re “adolescent male fantasies,” but Marvel’s been building … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Age of X-Man, Avengers, Batman, Belit, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Conan, Cover, Flash, Headlopper, HIt Girl, Iron Man, Little Bird, Marvel Tales, Marvels, Ms. Marvel, Rick and Morty, Runaways, Shuri, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, The Goon, Thor, Wonder Twins, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #338

So: A bunch of new Marvel #1s, a couple of Secret Wars mini conclusions, an actual Secret Wars main-story issue, ten indy debuts, and some other stuff too. Let’s look: All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1 — Creators: Various A-N A-D Marvel Point One is one of those introduce-all-the-new-comics promos (although, even at 64 pages, isn’t $5.99 kind of pushing it for a book you really really want readers to buy…?), with a wrap-around story involving the older-meaner-Hulk character The Maestro and The Collector teaming up to evaluate potential combatants for the new Contest of Champions book; it’s by Al … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A Train Called Love, Amazing Spider-man, Avengers, Batman and Robin Eternal, Codename: Baboushka, Contest of Champions, Dark Corridor, Doctor Strange, Grumpy Cat, Iron Man, Jughead, Old Man Logan, Paper Girls, Plutona, Rowan's Ruin, Secret Wars, The Goon, We Stand on Guard, What If?
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #318

Next-to-the-last week for Convergence, but now Marvel’s Secret Wars tie-ins start this week (although there’s no issue of the main title); in addition, a ton of indy books came out, from Optic Nerve to Wytches to Lumberjanes to Powers, so let’s dive in: Convergence #7 (of 8) — Writers: Jeff King and Scott Lobdell; Pencils: Aaron Lopresti; Inks: Mark Morales; Colors: Peter Steigerwald Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #2 (of 2) — Writer: Marc Andreyko; Art: Carlos D’Anda; Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Convergence: The Flash #2 (of 2) — Writer: Dan Abnett; Art: Federico Dallocchio; Colors: Veronica Gandini Convergence: Green Lantern … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A-Force, Battleworld, Convergence, Groo, Loki, Lumberjanes, Optic Nerve, Planet Hulk, Powers, Satellite Sam, Secret Wars, Spider-Verse, Stray Bullets, The Fade-Out, The Goon, Ultimate End, Usagi Yojimbo, Wytches, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #303

The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time #1 (of 4) — Writer/Artist: Eric Powell Powell toggles between two modes for this title: edgy, Harvey Kurtzman-like slapstick, and grim, dark-as-night horror. The grim, in ascendance during the last mini-series, reaches full force here, as a drunken, grieving and dangerous Goon kills a couple of people (who deserve it), rips an arm off one of his friends (who doesn’t, although he has a couple of extra to spare), and spirals down into a revengeful, suicidal haze. Depressing as hell, but very very well done, with Powell’s art and script telling an efficient, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Angela, Annihilator, Ant-Man, Avengers, Black Vortex, Cluster, Hawkeye, Hellboy, Lady Killer, Miracleman, Nameless, Postal, Rat God, Saga, Squirrel Girl, Star Wars, Stray Bullets, Superman, The Goon, United States of Murder Inc., Velvet, Wytches
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #295

Lots of good comics this week, so let’s break them down by company — starting with Image, who’s offered literally dozens of cool debuts this year, making themselves the destination publisher for creators who want to stretch their storytelling skills with minimum editorial interference, and maximum retention of the rights to their work: Bitch Planet #1 — Writer: Kelly Sue Deconnick; Art: Valentine de Landro; Colors: Cris Peter Deconnick’s been having a breakout 2014 — her Pretty Deadly, a hallucinatory occult Western, was great, and she’s been making Captain Marvel a smart, galaxy-spanning romp for Marvel. Here, she enters creator-owned … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Afterlife With Archie, Amazing Spider-man, Astro City, Avengers, Axis, Batgirl, Bitch Planet, Darwyn Cooke, East of West, Guardians of the Galaxy, Harley Quinn, Savage Dragon, Sex Criminals, Southern Bastards, Supreme Blue Rose, The Goon, Thor, X-men
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