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Tag Archives: Empowered
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #494

Shuri #1 (of 6?) — Writer: Nnedi Okorafor; Art: Leonardo Romero; Colors: Jordie Bellaire The Unstoppable Wasp #1 — Writer: Jeremy Whitley; Art/Colors: Gurihiru X-Men Black — Mystique #1 (of 1) — Writer: Seanan McGuire; Art: Marco Failla; Colors: Jesus Aburtov Shuri is a solo mini-series about the Black Panther’s techno-genius younger sister; Okorafor, the writer, an American-born daughter to two Nigerian immigrants, has a better background to write realistic, strong African women than most, and Leonardo Romero’s art, in the school of Chris Samnee and David Aja, is attractive and open and meticulous, with every line in place. Add … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Archie, Batman, Black Badge, Cover, Daredevil, Empowered, Exorsisters, Ghost Rider, Justice League, Justice League Dark, Lucifer, Lumberjanes, Mr. and Mrs. X, Mystique, Nightwing, Pearl, Runaways, Shuri, Simpsons, Spider-man, Strangers in Paradise, Stray Bullets, Thor, Venom, Wasp, What If?, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #480

Batman #50 — Writer: Tom King; Art: Mikel Janin; Colors: June Chung Catwoman #1 — Writer/Artist: Joelle Jones; Colors: Laura Allred Deathstroke #33 — Writer: Christopher Priest; Pencils: Ed Benes; Inks: Richard Friend; Colors: Dinei Ribeiro Justice League #3 — Writer: Scott Snyder; Art: Jorge Jimenez; Colors: Alejandro Sanchez Man of Steel #6 (of 6) — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Jason Fabok; Colors: Alex Sinclair Batman #50, as a wedding issue, doesn’t exactly give us what we want, but it might give us what we need — writer Tom King has said that he began his tenure with a … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Ant-Man, Assassinistas, Avengers, Captain America, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Empowered, Fantastic Four, Hillbilly, I Hate Fairyland, Incognegro, Inhumans, Star Wars, Sword Daughter, Unnatural, Wasp, X-men, Xerxes
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #469

Action Comics #1000 — Writer/Pencils: Dan Jurgens; Inks: Norm Rapmund; Colors: Hi-Fi; Other Stories: Various Let’s start with DC this week, especially with Action Comics #1000 being one of the most anticipated comics in months: it’s 80 pages for $8 (well, $7.99…), and in addition to the lead story (14 pages written and drawn by Dan Jurgens, who’s finishing his tenure on the book after very capably helming it since its “Rebirth” relaunch) there are a bunch of shorter tales: “Never-Ending Battle,” a tribute to the various Superman styles over the last 80 years, written by Peter Tomasi and with … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Assassinistas, Avengers, Batman, Black Panther, Cave Carson, Daredevil, Deadman, Empowered, Infinity Countdown, Kick Ass, Mage, Mister Miracle, Moonshine, Skyward, Spider-man, Superman, Usagi Yojimbo, Wonder Woman
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