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Tag Archives: Rasl
Phil’s Reviews:Stuff I Bought #228

Hawkeye #1 — Writer: Matt Fraction; Art: David Aja Invincible Iron Man #522 — Writer: Matt Fraction; Art: Salvador Larroca Defenders #9 — Writer: Matt Fraction; Artists: Jamie McKelvie with Mike Norton Three by one of Marvel’s top go-to writers. If Hawkeye’s creative unit feels familiar, that’s because Fraction and Aja were teamed (along with co-writer Ed Brubaker) on the cult favorite Iron Fist a few years ago, and since then they’ve only gotten better. This reminds me a lot of the sublime Daredevil, with its very clean, clear art, its masterful use of small panels to make the narrative flow smoothly, its firm … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Black Kiss, Daredevil, Defenders, Fury, Garth Ennis, Hawkeye, Howard Chaykin, Iron Man, iZombie, Matt Fraction, Mind Mgmt, Neal Adams, Rasl, Shadow, X-men
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #50 by Dan!

Did I actually take last week off? Yes, but it wasn’t much of a break while working the Phoenix Comics Con…but we’ve survived! So it’s on to reviews. Let’s do this! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #10 Writer: Tom Waltz Artist: Dan Duncan Good news everyone! This series, which basically rebooted itself around the same time as the New DC 52, has stayed consistently strong and fantastic for its almost full-year run of comics! I’ve been reading the Mirage Studios version of these comics and it’s essentially rehashing the same steps that these comics hit, but bringing them to a new … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Animal Man, Batman, Hulk, Powers, Rasl, Superman, Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles
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The latest and (Mostly) Greatest #43

And we’re back! Here comes the latest round of reviews for this week’s books! Wolverine and the X-men #6 Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Nick Bradshaw Holy Moly this is a weird book! As Beast and students have to kill the Brood growing inside of Kitty Pride, Kitty has to dodge the actual Brood attack going on at the school. Out in a separate galaxy, Wolverine and Kid Omega are gambling to get money for their school. The chaos going on in this book is perfectly rendered by Bradshaw who channels a “smushed face” Art Adams style. Every issue of this … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged All-Star Western, Aquaman, Batman, Captain America, Chew, Deadpool, Flash, Rasl, Wolverine, X-men
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #11 By Dan!

This was a shortened week, so forgive me for this rush. Just means I’ll be cramming in sarcasm by the boatload! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Jonah Hex #62 Writers: Justin Gray Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Eduardo Risso This issue was so very pretty. Risso has his distinct style that just worked perfectly for this issue. It’s amazing to me that it’s taken 62 issues for him to get involved in the Hex mythos. Hell, it’s amazing that this title has lasted 62 issues. But it’s been all about the writing team. Gray and Palmiotti have … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Andy Diggle, Antony Johnston, Batman Orphans, Billy Tan, Charlie Huston, Daredevil, Eduardo Risso, Gail Simone, Garth Ennis, Heroes for Hire, Irredeemable, Jeff Lemire, Jim Calafiore, Jonah Hex, Juan Jose Ryp, Mark Waid, Rasl, Secret Six, Shadowland, Sweet Tooth, The Boys, Wolverine: The Best There Is
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #2 by Dan!

After some much needed post-San Diego Comic-Con rest, I’m back for a HUGE week of comics. Lots to talk about, and plenty to say, so here we go! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Time Lincoln: Fists of Fuhrer #1 Writer/Artist: Fred Perry I cannot stress this enough: Time Lincoln is awesome. If you have any problems with Abraham Lincoln firing a laser gun at winged nazis to help get Ben Franklin to save Albert Einstein, then we can’t be friends. To think that this is one guy doing all the work (both story and art) is … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Marvel, New Comics, News and Events, Reviews
Tagged 7 Psychopaths, Batgman Widening Gyre, Brian Wood, Buzzard, Deadpool Team-Up, Doug Mahnke, Ed Brubaker, Fear Agent, Flash, Franken-Castle, Geoff Johns, Georges Jeanty, grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, J.T. Krull, Jason Aaron, Judd Winick, Justice League Generation Lost, keith Giffen, Mike Deodato, Northlanders, Outsiders, Punishermax, Rasl, Return of Bruce Wayne, Rick Remender, Sean Phillips, Secret Avengers, Steve Dillon, Thor, Time Lincoln: Fists of Fuher, Western, Wonder Woman
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