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Tag Archives: Outsider
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #18 by Dan!

It was an interesting light(er) week, so I’ll probably frustrate some people with my picks. But that just means you’re reading, and we know I only do this for a reaction… Let’s do this! My Top 5 (The 5 Best Comics of the Week) Punishermax #11 Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Steve Dillon The more I read this, the more angry I am at Ultimate Avengers for delaying this story art. Steve Dillon is a comic genius, and is one of (if not THE) best artists Marvel of DC has to offer. Add to that that Jason Aaron is transferring his … Continue reading →
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Batman, Batman Incorporated, Captain Swing, Chris Samnee, Crossgen, DC, Fernando Dagnino, grant Morrison, Howard Chaykin, Incredible Hulks, Jason Aaron, Joe The Barbarian, Judd Winick, Justice League Generation Lost, Marvel, Michael Bendis, Mike Deodato, New Avengers, Outsider, Punishermax, Sean Murphy, Sigil, Steve Dillon, Superboy, Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Spider-man, Venom, Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris, Warren Ellis, Wonder Woman, X-Men Legacy
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