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Tag Archives: Powers
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #421

Secret Empire #2 (of 10) — Writer: Nick Spencer; Art/Colors: Andrea Sorrentino with Rod Reis Luke Cage #1 — Writer: David F. Walker; Art: Nelson Blake II; Colors: Marcio Menyz Generation X #1 — Writer: Christina Strain; Art: Amilcar Pinna; Colors: Felipe Sobreiro Nick Fury #2 — Writer: James Robinson; Pencils: ACO; Inks: Hugo Petrus; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg I like the way Secret Empire just jumps to the hope-is-all-gone stage of its Hydra takeover of the US, rather than wasting our time with set-up, and Sorrentino’s and Reis’s moody, dimly-lit art and imaginative page design set just the right tone and … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged American Gods, Archie, Astro City, Batman, Cave Carson, Flash, Generation X, God Country, Grrl Scouts, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Jughead, Kim Reaper, Luke Cage, Nick Fury, Powers, Royal City, Secret Empire, Spirit, Squirrel Girl, Super Sons, Teen Titans, The Wicked and the Divine, The Wild Storm, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #369

Black Panther #2 — Writer: Ta-Nehisi Coates; Art: Brian Stelfreeze; Colors: Laura Martin Gwenpool #2 — Writer: Christopher Hastings; Art: Gurihiru; Colors: VC’s Clayton Cowles All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 — Writer: Mark Waid; Art: Mahmud Asaar; Colors: Dave McCaig Vision #7 — Writer: Tom King; Art: Michael Walsh; Colors: Jordie Bellaire The Ultimates #7 — Writer: Al Ewing; Art: Kenneth Rocafort; Colors: Dan Brown Powers #6 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Michael Avon Oeming; Colors: Nick Filardi Back to a normal week (after the loaded-up couple of ones before FCBD, where publishers were making sure lots of product would … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #328

Besides Marvel’s usual Secret Wars entries (this is going to be over soon — right, guys? Guys…?), DC releases a number of annuals this week (a traditional midsummer move), and then there are the usual cool indy books, including new issues of Casanova, Sex Criminals, Low, Powers and Sabrina. Let’s look…. Secret Wars: Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #2 (of 4) — Writer: James Robinson; Art: Steve Pugh; Colors: Jim Charalampidis Secret Wars: Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #3 (of 4) — Writer: Cullen Bunn; Art: Matteo Lolli; Colors: Ruth Redmond Secret Wars: M.O.D.O.K.: Assassin #3 (of 5) — Writer: … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #318

Next-to-the-last week for Convergence, but now Marvel’s Secret Wars tie-ins start this week (although there’s no issue of the main title); in addition, a ton of indy books came out, from Optic Nerve to Wytches to Lumberjanes to Powers, so let’s dive in: Convergence #7 (of 8) — Writers: Jeff King and Scott Lobdell; Pencils: Aaron Lopresti; Inks: Mark Morales; Colors: Peter Steigerwald Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #2 (of 2) — Writer: Marc Andreyko; Art: Carlos D’Anda; Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Convergence: The Flash #2 (of 2) — Writer: Dan Abnett; Art: Federico Dallocchio; Colors: Veronica Gandini Convergence: Green Lantern … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A-Force, Battleworld, Convergence, Groo, Loki, Lumberjanes, Optic Nerve, Planet Hulk, Powers, Satellite Sam, Secret Wars, Spider-Verse, Stray Bullets, The Fade-Out, The Goon, Ultimate End, Usagi Yojimbo, Wytches, X-men
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