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Tag Archives: Gail Simone
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #200

Flashpoint #3 (of 5) — Writer: Geoff Johns; Pencils: Andy Kubert; Inks: Sandra Hope This being the middle of five chapters, it’s the appropriate time for our lead character to regain his powers (by doing the exact same thing he did in the previous issue, only adding more… cowbell, or something), and try to get the JLA band back together — although, as it turns out, some of the members are in better shape than others. As a main event, this comic has been a lot more focused than Marvel’s Fear Itself — it’s shorter, and the problem (undo the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Adam Kubert, Batman, Doctor Solar, Fear Itself, Flashpoint, Gail Simone, Geoff Johns, Jeff Lemire, Jim Shooter, Jonah Hex, Matt Fraction, Secret Six, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #190

Jennifer Blood #1 (of 5?) — Writer: Garth Ennis; Art: Adriana Batista A suburban housewife is also the Punisher — that’s the premise of this mini-series, one that Ennis says, in an interview in the back, is meant to be less “bleak,” and lighter in tone, than a lot of his recent work. Of course, as an example of “lighter,” he mentions Hitman, which had a body count higher than most W.W.II movies — so, too, with this book, which features our heroine going to the docks at night (after spiking her husband’s and kids’ bedtime drinks with Valium) to blow … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Adriana Batista, Doom Patrol, Gail Simone, Garth Ennis, Hellblazer, Jason Aaron, Jennifer Blood, Jim Shooter, Jordan Crane, Jubilee, Kathryn Immonen, Magnus, Mighty Samson, Peter Milligan, Phil Noto, Secret Six, Simon Bisley, Spider-man, Uptight, Venom, Wolverine
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #14 By Dan!

I’m going to be completely honest with you people. I am exhausted. Add to that the fact that this was an especially light week and you’re gunna get the internet’s quickest, yet still strangely, awesome-est (not a word, I know) reviews! Let’s Do This! My Top Five (The 5 Best Comics of the Week) Thor the Mighty Avenger #8 Writer: Roger Langridge Artist: Chris Samnee And with this, the best comic that none of you were actually reading comes to a close. I don’t even know what to tell you guys. This was probably one of the best books on … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Adam Beechen, Amazing Spider-man, Batman Beyond, Batman Brave and the Bold, Black Panther, Booster gold. Giffen, Brad Walker, Chaykin, Chris Samnee, Dan Slott, Daniel Way, Daredevil, Daredevil Reborn, DC, Doc Savage, Dracula, Gail Simone, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Emerald Warriors, Guy Gardner, Heroes for Hire, Humberto Ramos, Justice League, Justice League Generation Lost, Marcos Marz, Marvel, Michael Golden, Peter Tomasi, Red Lantern, reviews, Secret Six, Spawn, Spiderman, Thor the Mighty Avengers, Thunder Agents, Todd McFarlane, Udd Winick, War of the Green Lanterns, Wonder Girl
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #11 By Dan!

This was a shortened week, so forgive me for this rush. Just means I’ll be cramming in sarcasm by the boatload! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Jonah Hex #62 Writers: Justin Gray Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Eduardo Risso This issue was so very pretty. Risso has his distinct style that just worked perfectly for this issue. It’s amazing to me that it’s taken 62 issues for him to get involved in the Hex mythos. Hell, it’s amazing that this title has lasted 62 issues. But it’s been all about the writing team. Gray and Palmiotti have … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Andy Diggle, Antony Johnston, Batman Orphans, Billy Tan, Charlie Huston, Daredevil, Eduardo Risso, Gail Simone, Garth Ennis, Heroes for Hire, Irredeemable, Jeff Lemire, Jim Calafiore, Jonah Hex, Juan Jose Ryp, Mark Waid, Rasl, Secret Six, Shadowland, Sweet Tooth, The Boys, Wolverine: The Best There Is
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