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Tag Archives: Mark Waid
It Came From the Back Room #50

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items (these are featured at the discount racks at the west end of the store for a couple of weeks after each post, and then go to the discount racks on the east end of the store for a few weeks, and then disappear into our warehouses, so get them while you can). I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (even now in the summer, when I’m not teaching), this amounts … Continue reading
Posted in Comics History, Marvel, News & Promos
Tagged Captain America, Jack Kirby, John Byrne, Mark Gruenwald, Mark Waid, Mike Zeck, Rob Liefeld, Roger Stern, Steve Englehart
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #225

Casanova: Avaritia #4 (of 4) — Writer: Matt Fraction; Art: Gabriel Ba Invincible Iron Man #519 — Writer: Matt Fraction; Art: Salvador Larroca Fraction’s career arc with critics sometimes reminds me of Bendis’s — people who liked him when he was new and different and an indie star now have a vague resentment for his mainstream success, and are tired of his various literary tics and fallbacks, leading to a lot of bitching about how he’s no good any more. Casanova is the antidote to that, his creator-owned book that (like Powers for Bendis) he’s kept up as a labor … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged BPRD, Casanova, Daredevil, Dark Horse Presents, Gabriel Ba, Iron Man, Journey into Mystery, Mark Waid, Matt Fraction, Saga, Shadow, X-men
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It Came From the Back Room #35

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items (these are featured at the discount racks at the west end of the store for two weeks after each post, and then go to the discount racks on the east end of the store for a few weeks, and then disappear into our warehouses, so get them while you can). I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (especially with the school semester in full gear), this amounts to a two-year … Continue reading
Posted in Marvel, News & Promos, Reviews
Tagged Adam Warren, Buscema, Carlos Pacheco, Fantastic Four, Jim Lee, Mark Waid, Mike Wieringo, Paul Ryan, Steve Englehart, Tom Defalco, Walt Simonson
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #201

Sergio Aragones Funnies #1 — Creator: Sergio Aragones A book of all-new Sergio, with two eight-page stories in color (the colorist, Tom Luth, is one of the few people on the planet who can color the obsessively-detailed Aragones art effectively), plus some one-page gags, plus a couple of puzzle pages (including a find-the-differences-in-the-panels game, and a find-the-two-identical-comics one, that are custom-made for that detailed style, and should be fun for any readers who can remember looking for Waldo). Aragones is a national treasure — of two countries — and the indicia’s indication that this will be a monthly comic is … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Daredevil, DC Retroactive, Goon, Green Lantern, Mark Waid, Sergio Aragones, Ultimate Fallout, Witchdoctor
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