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Tag Archives: Invincible Iron Man
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #53 by Dan!

Oh man, bet you didn’t expect me to be back this soon, did you? Well here I am, so let’s do this! Mind MGMT #2 Writer/Artist: Matt Kindt This books makes my brain explode. You start with the cover’s hidden words, you read the story inside both covers, that hints at the ideas of the coming issue; you read the issue using the foreshadowing blue lines along the side, then you read the part of the second story that explains a bit more that might come around. THEN you read the letters page that shows more and the fake back … Continue reading
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #5 by Dan!

Quick and short week, so I’ll try to make this quick and short reviews. We all know that’s not going to happen, but we’ve all got important things to do, so let’s speed this up! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Batman And Robin #14 Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Frazer Irving Do you ever get tired of me telling you just how awesome Batman and Robin is? Well I’m not sure I’ll be able to much longer with the changing creative team, so enjoy it while it lasts! This issue, things continue building to a head … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Marvel, New Comics, News and Events, Reviews
Tagged Alex ross, Amazing Spider-man, Avengers, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman: Odyssey, Bendis, Comic Book Guy The Comic Book, Daken: Dark Wolverine, Daytripper, DC, Doc Savage, Dr. Strange, Erik Larsen, Geoff Johns, Goon, Green Lantern, Incredibles, Invaders Now!, Invincible Iron Man, Irredeemable, Justice League, Marvel, New Avengers, reviews, Spawn, Thor, Todd McFarlane, Ultimate Avengers, Weird Ward Tales
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #3 by Dan!

A very nice, very light week arrives at your local comic shop this week, just in time for the schools to be back in session! Don’t worry, I’ve got an opinion on a fair amount of them. Also, I’m watching the movie Seven while I write this, so that should lead to an interesting state of mind. Let’s do this! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Buzzard #3 Writer/Artist: Eric Powell Just a reminder for all of you, Eric Powell is one of (if not The) best writer/artist combinations out in the market today. If you’re looking for consistently … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Marvel, New Comics, News and Events, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, B.P.R.D., Batgirl, Captain America, Comic Book Guy, Daredevil, Eric Powell, Green Lantern, Hulk, Invincible Iron Man, Mike Mignola. Zatanna, Simpsons, Steve Rogers, Superman, Teen Titans, Ultimate Avengers, ultimate spiderman, Wolverine
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #1 By Dan!

Hey folks! With the new website running smoothly, we’ve decided to change things up just a little bit. Reviews will now only be one post per week, but The Professor and I will both have a different column on Sundays! So get ready for some slight changes. Also, make sure to wear a helmet, in case I blow your mind! My Top Five (The five best comics of the week) Batman 701 Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Tony Daniel Morrison’s Batman run has been one of the crazier things of the past couple years, which is no big surprise. Here he … Continue reading
Posted in News and Events, Reviews
Tagged Amazing Spider-man, Avengers Academy, Batman, Bendis, Bulletproof Coffin, Comic Book Guy, Daredevil, Darwyn Cooke, DC, DC Super Friends, Doctor Solar, grant Morrison, Invincible Iron Man, Jim Shooter, Justice League Generation Lost, Magog, Man With a Getaway Face, Marvel, Officer Downe, Parker, Superman, The Simpsons, Ultimate Spider-man, World War Hulk, X-men Second Coming
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Stuff That Was Awesome #2

So even with a light week, there’s still plenty of stuff worth reading, and I’m here to tell you what it is! Flash #3 Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Francis Manapul Oh man. This Flash series has been some of the best stuff that I’ve read lately. Very interesting ideas, new characters, and plenty of potential. I’m not a very big fan of Manapul, but he is really cranking out his best material on this book. Johns writes it as well as he can, and it’s clear he really enjoys it. Even Eddie liked this, so I must be right! Secret … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Abe Sapien, Amazing Spider-ham, Batman Beyond, Captain America, Captain Swing, Ed Brubaker, Flash, Georff Johns, Green Lantern, Invincible, Invincible Iron Man, Invincible Iron Man Annual, Lobo, Mandarin, Northlanders, Secret Avengers, Thor, Wonder Woman #600
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