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Tag Archives: Mandarin
Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #188

Iron Man #500 — Writer: Matt Fraction; Art: Salvador Larroca and Frank D’Armata; Kano; Nathan Fox and Javier Rodriguez; Carmine Di Giandomenico and Matthew Wilson One of those start-the-original-numbering-over anniversary issues, complete with a five-page gallery of all 500 covers. Fraction proved with last year’s Iron Man Annual that’s he’s good at these big-event comics, and he doesn’t disappoint here, providing a 56-page story that guest-stars Spider-Man and roams from the present to the year 2052 (where the Mandarin, who was handled so well by Fraction in that annual, has taken over the world) and back; the varying time periods … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Alex Maleev, Bendis, Buffy, Camuncoli, Deadpool, Garth Ennis, Hellblazer, Iron Man, Jason Aaron, Joss Whedon, Kyle Baker, Lapham, Mandarin, Matt Fraction, Peter Milligan, Scarlet, Simon Bisley, The Boys, Wolverine
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Stuff That Was Awesome #2

So even with a light week, there’s still plenty of stuff worth reading, and I’m here to tell you what it is! Flash #3 Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Francis Manapul Oh man. This Flash series has been some of the best stuff that I’ve read lately. Very interesting ideas, new characters, and plenty of potential. I’m not a very big fan of Manapul, but he is really cranking out his best material on this book. Johns writes it as well as he can, and it’s clear he really enjoys it. Even Eddie liked this, so I must be right! Secret … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Abe Sapien, Amazing Spider-ham, Batman Beyond, Captain America, Captain Swing, Ed Brubaker, Flash, Georff Johns, Green Lantern, Invincible, Invincible Iron Man, Invincible Iron Man Annual, Lobo, Mandarin, Northlanders, Secret Avengers, Thor, Wonder Woman #600
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