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Tag Archives: David Lapham
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #10 By Dan!

Oh holy crap! We’ve already done ten of these? Can you believe it? My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) Batman Inc. #1 Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Yanick Paquette Any comic that starts with the lines “Where are my hands?” and gets replied with “They are in Hell! Waiting for the Rest of you!” really is immediately sold to me. Let’s be real here folks, you knew I was going to like this. And dear God did I ever. It had basically everything I wanted right from the sweet JG Jones cover (not pictured). It was in … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Astounding Wolf-man, Avengers, Batman, Darkwing Duck, David Lapham, DC, Deadpool Max, Flash, Free Comic Book Day, Geoff Johns, grant Morrison, Green Lantern, Hellblazer, Hellboy Double Feature, Marvel, Northlanders, Osborn, Richard Corben, Superman, Superman/Batman, The Return, Thunderbolts, Yanick
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #7 by Dan!

It’s been a long week Ladies and Gentlemen, but comics make everything better! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) The Boys #47 Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Russ Braun Dear god. Everything between Annie and Hughie comes to a head this issue, and we as readers get a special treat. Ennis is always at his strongest with character development, and it’s easy to forget that when he uses fart jokes all the time to hide it. The conversations feel completely accurate and real (except I haven’t heard anyone say “the c-word” that much) and it’s clearly helped … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Astonishing X-men, Avengers Academy, Batman Hidden Treasures, Batman: Odyssey, Bernie Wrightson, CBLDF, Chaos War, Chistos Gae, Chris Roberson, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Darwun Cooke, David Lapham, Deadpool Max, Fantastic Four, Fred Van Lente, Freedom Fighters, Garth Ennis, Greg Pak, iZombie, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Jerome Opena, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jorge Molina, Justin Gray, Kho Pham, Kyle Baker, Liberty Annual, Micahel Allred, Neal Adams, Renato Guedes, Rick Remender, Robert Todi Simone Bianchi, Ron Marz, Russ Braun, S.H.I.E.L.D., Sweet Tooth, The Boys, Thor: For Asgard, Travis Moore, Ultimate Comics Thor, Uncanny X-force, Wolverine
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Stuff That Was Awesome #1 By Dan!

And here’s the good stuff! Feel free to leave comments about how much you love my taste! Hellblazer #268 Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Milligan’s run on Hellblazer is literally getting better by the issue. He’s digging deeper into the psyche of a broken John Constantine, and that’s creating some of the best Vertigo madness in a long time. Add in Shade the Changing Man (Which post-Ditko became Milligan’s baby) and this is the perfect book for the fans of the weird. Add in a mutilated and removed thumb, and you’ve got yourself a book of the week. DC … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Marvel, New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Black Cat, Brightest Day, Darkwing Duck, David Lapham, DC Universe Legacies, Deadpool, Geoff Johns, Hellblazer, Javier Pulido, The Boys, The Lizard, Walking Dead, Zombies
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