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Tag Archives: CBLDF
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #7 by Dan!

It’s been a long week Ladies and Gentlemen, but comics make everything better! My Top Five (The Five Best Comics of the Week) The Boys #47 Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Russ Braun Dear god. Everything between Annie and Hughie comes to a head this issue, and we as readers get a special treat. Ennis is always at his strongest with character development, and it’s easy to forget that when he uses fart jokes all the time to hide it. The conversations feel completely accurate and real (except I haven’t heard anyone say “the c-word” that much) and it’s clearly helped … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Astonishing X-men, Avengers Academy, Batman Hidden Treasures, Batman: Odyssey, Bernie Wrightson, CBLDF, Chaos War, Chistos Gae, Chris Roberson, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Darwun Cooke, David Lapham, Deadpool Max, Fantastic Four, Fred Van Lente, Freedom Fighters, Garth Ennis, Greg Pak, iZombie, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Jerome Opena, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jorge Molina, Justin Gray, Kho Pham, Kyle Baker, Liberty Annual, Micahel Allred, Neal Adams, Renato Guedes, Rick Remender, Robert Todi Simone Bianchi, Ron Marz, Russ Braun, S.H.I.E.L.D., Sweet Tooth, The Boys, Thor: For Asgard, Travis Moore, Ultimate Comics Thor, Uncanny X-force, Wolverine
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