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Tag Archives: Walking Dead
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #454

So, I was too lazy to do a top-ten list for 2017, but if you’re interested you can do it for me: just go here , look for the “Archives” section over on the left, read all 52 of my weekly comics reviews for the year, and decide from that. I will say that Tom King, writer of both Mister Miracle and Batman, would have been the only creator with two books on the list, although Donny Cates (Redneck, Baby Teeth, God’s Country, Doctor Strange, Thanos), Kieron Gillen (The Wicked and the Divine, Star Wars: Captain Aphra, Uber) and Rich Tomasso … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Batman, Black Bolt, Black Panther, Captain America, Gambit, Guardians of the Galaxy, Harley Quinn, Hawkeye, Koshchei, Phoenix, Rock Candy Mountain, Rogue, Snagglepuss, Spider-man, Walking Dead, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #352

Secret Wars #9 (of 9) — Writer: Jonathan Hickman; Art: Esad Ribic; Colors: Ive Svorcina Finally! On its own merits (ignoring the lateness, the hundreds of pages of mini-series, etc.) this has been one of the better Marvel events; you can accuse Hickman of many things, but he’s always got a solid plot, and character through-lines that make sense, and he uses them here: at base, this has been a Fantastic Four story (the last for a while), stemming from Hickman’s long run on that title just before he took over the Avengers books, and it’s a good one, with … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, Batman, Green Lantern, Groo, Hawkeye, Insexts, Rebels, Red Sonya, Red Wolf, Robin, Scarlet Witch, Secret Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thor, Walking Dead, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #260

After all those weeks of DC 3-D books, let’s take a break from the Marvel and DC heroes, and look at all the cool comics published by other companies this week instead: Battling Boy Graphic Novel #1 — Writer/Artist: Paul Pope Pope’s art is like a fusion of Jack Kirby and Robert Crumb; he’s got all their crackling energy and sure lines, and straddles the divide between mainstream superheroics and underground anarchy just perfectly. He’ll work for a major company, but on his own terms (see the remarkable Batman: Year 100), but he’s always been happiest charting his own course, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Afterlife With Archie, Astro City, Battling Boy, Coffin Hill, Elfquest, Multiple Warheads, Rocket Girl, Shaolin Cowboy, Three, Walking Dead
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Back Issue SALE and WALKING DEAD Midnight Release Party!

ALL OUT WAR is coming to All About! Walking Dead 10th Anniversary Midnight Launch Party! Tues. Oct. 8th, 2013 10 pm – 12:30 am! 10 pm – 12 am We’ll be tired so you can take advantage of us looking like “The Walking Dead” and get Back issue Discounts! 30% off Back Issue Comics 50% off Back Issue WAR COMICS! 12:00 am- 12:30 am Walking Dead #115 for SALE Including 10 connecting variants, blank variant, special one per store midnight release variant, limited number of Free Walking Dead Posters Come Dressed as the Walking Dead and get 10% off Your … Continue reading
Posted in News & Promos, News and Events
Tagged Back issue Sale, Midnight Release Party, Walking Dead
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