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Tag Archives: Chaykin
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #196

Hellboy: Being Human #1 (of 1) — Writer: Mike Mignola; Art: Richard Corben A Hellboy story by the Mignola/Corben team is always cause for celebration, and this one-shot is no exception: it doesn’t have the over-the-top backwoods craziness of their The Crooked Man, from a few years ago, but there’s enough Southern gothic atmosphere, with crumbling mansions and various decayed corpses (as an old woman, scorned and unjustly institutionalized, enacts occult revenge against long-dead adversaries) to remind everyone of why Corben’s always had such a fine reputation for horror work — and to show that, even in his seventies, he … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Chaykin, Flashpoint, Geoff Johns, grant Morrison, Hellboy, Mike Mignola, Punisher, Richard Corben, Spider-man, X-men
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #14 By Dan!

I’m going to be completely honest with you people. I am exhausted. Add to that the fact that this was an especially light week and you’re gunna get the internet’s quickest, yet still strangely, awesome-est (not a word, I know) reviews! Let’s Do This! My Top Five (The 5 Best Comics of the Week) Thor the Mighty Avenger #8 Writer: Roger Langridge Artist: Chris Samnee And with this, the best comic that none of you were actually reading comes to a close. I don’t even know what to tell you guys. This was probably one of the best books on … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Adam Beechen, Amazing Spider-man, Batman Beyond, Batman Brave and the Bold, Black Panther, Booster gold. Giffen, Brad Walker, Chaykin, Chris Samnee, Dan Slott, Daniel Way, Daredevil, Daredevil Reborn, DC, Doc Savage, Dracula, Gail Simone, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Emerald Warriors, Guy Gardner, Heroes for Hire, Humberto Ramos, Justice League, Justice League Generation Lost, Marcos Marz, Marvel, Michael Golden, Peter Tomasi, Red Lantern, reviews, Secret Six, Spawn, Spiderman, Thor the Mighty Avengers, Thunder Agents, Todd McFarlane, Udd Winick, War of the Green Lanterns, Wonder Girl
Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #174
Lots and lots of books worth buying this week, kids, so don’t expect more than a sentence or two each on the later ones — and let’s get started: Casanova #1 — Writer: Matt Fraction; Art: Gabriel Ba (plus a back-up story by Fabio Moon) The lead story’s four years old, but it was originally a 16-page, monocolored comic; now it’s been remastered (meaning recolored and relettered), with a backup story by Moon added, making it worthwhile even if you’re one of the few people who have the originals. It’s a superspy romp with tons of narrative tricks (Fraction lists … Continue reading