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Tag Archives: Birds of Prey
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #382

Civil War II #1 (of 1) — Writer: Greg Pak; Pencils: Mark Bagley; Inks: Scott Hanna and Marc Deering; Colors: Ian Herring and Rob Schwager Civil War II: Choosing Sides #4 — Creators: Various Spider-Woman #10 — Writer: Dennis Hopeless; Layouts: Javier Rodriguez; Finishes: Veronica Fish; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg The Ultimates #10 — Writer: Al Ewing; Art: Kenneth Rocafort and Djibril Morissette; Colors: Dan Brown The Mighty Thor #10 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Russell Dauterman; Colors: Matthew Wilson Black Widow #6 — Writer: Mark Waid; Art: Chris Samnee; Colors: Matthew Wilson There were tons of Civil War II tie-in … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #282

As with last week, let’s tackle all of the DC issues with lenticular-motion covers first. Remember, if you click on the images here, you’ll be able to see the covers in full motion: which is, believe it or not, a pretty awesome effect, and sometimes a clearer look at the dual scenes than you can get from the covers themselves…. Batman #1 — Story: Ray Fawkes and Scott Snyder; Writer: Ray Fawkes; Art: ACO This is a good example of the way the better issues using the Futures End five-years-later gimmick are turning out: a five-years-older Batman, physically deteriorating because … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Annihilator, Batgirl, Batman, Birds of Prey, Captain Marvel, Constantine, Copperhead, Forever People, Future's End, Green Lantern, Inc., Justice League United, Number One, Powers, Prometheus, Rot and Ruin, Spider-man, Stumptown, Suicide Squad, Superboy, United States of Murder, Velvet, Wild's End, World's Finest
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It Came From the Back Room #52

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items. I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (especially now that school’s started again), this amounts to a three-year project. This week, we’re focusing on the east end of the store, and the discount racks there that have had Captain America books for most of the summer. Those are now gone, and have been replaced with a bunch of DC “B” titles, like so: The Brave and the Bold This was … Continue reading
Posted in Comics History, News & Promos
Tagged Birds of Prey, Blue Beetle, Blue Devil, Booster Gold, Brave and Bold, Jim Aparo
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #208

Fables #110 — Writer: Bill Willingham; Pencils: Mark Buckingham; Inks: Steve Leialoha and Shawn McManus This is just a normal issue of this book, by the normal creators — but it’s a good example of its charms: the monkey Bufkin and his allies are in the Land of Oz, fermenting revolution against the evil emperor Roquat, while in the land of the now-dead North Wind Bigby, Snow White and their children are facing down the other winds, and trying to decide which of the kids will take over as the new replacement avatar; meanwhile, in Mr. Dark’s old palace, the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Batman, Birds of Prey, Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Catwoman, Dark Horse Presents, Deadman, Fables, Fear Itself, Green Lantern Corps, Iron Man, Journey into Mystery, Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Supergirl, Wonder Woman
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #206

The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Terror #17 — Creators: Zander Cannon, Gene Ha, Jane Wiedlin, Tom Hodges, Jim Woodring Hallowe’en comics already? Well, yes… October’s beginning next week, and Safeway already has pumpkins out, so it must be time for the Simpsons’ annual gift to alt-comics fans. Woodring’s the most stellar creator in display here, and his offering, a tribute to sleazy off-brand ’50s horror comics, is great fun. So too for the Cannon/Ha contribution that leads off the book, a beautifully-drawn homage to Nosferatu, the 1922 silent movie that was the first vampire film. The Wiedlin/Hodges offers the most on-model … Continue reading