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Tag Archives: Red Team
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #382

Civil War II #1 (of 1) — Writer: Greg Pak; Pencils: Mark Bagley; Inks: Scott Hanna and Marc Deering; Colors: Ian Herring and Rob Schwager Civil War II: Choosing Sides #4 — Creators: Various Spider-Woman #10 — Writer: Dennis Hopeless; Layouts: Javier Rodriguez; Finishes: Veronica Fish; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg The Ultimates #10 — Writer: Al Ewing; Art: Kenneth Rocafort and Djibril Morissette; Colors: Dan Brown The Mighty Thor #10 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Russell Dauterman; Colors: Matthew Wilson Black Widow #6 — Writer: Mark Waid; Art: Chris Samnee; Colors: Matthew Wilson There were tons of Civil War II tie-in … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #378

San Diego convention week brings a number of first issues — eight from indy publishers, and three from DC, but none from Marvel. Let’s start with the indy stuff first, since it’s the most wide-ranging: Snotgirl #1 — Writer: Bryan Lee O’Malley; Art: Leslie Hung; Colors: Mickey Quinn Betty and Veronica #1 — Writer/Artist: Adam Hughes; Colors: Jose Villarrubia Faith #1 — Writer: Jody Houser; Art: Pere Perez with Margaurite Sauvage and Colleen Duran; Colors: Andrew Dalhouse Black Hammer #1 — Writer: Jeff Lemire; Art: Dean Ormston; Colors: Dave Stewart Avaterex #1 — Writer: Grant Morrison; Art: Jeevan J. Kang; … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Astro City, Avaterex, Batgirl, Batman, Betty and Veronica, Black Hammer, Black Widow, Casanova, Dept.H., Faith, Groo, Hellblazer, Hellcat, Island, Justice League, Lumberjanes, Red Team, She Wolf, Snotgirl, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Superman, The Hunt, Ultimates, Usagi Yojimbo, Velvet
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #246

B.P.R.D.: Vampire #1 (of 5) — Writer: Mike Mignola; Art: Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon This sequel to B.P.R.D.: 1947 offers the return of the Brazilian twin brothers Ba and Moon (their last work was the magic-realist Vertigo mini-series Daytripper), and between their evocative art and Mignola’s well-staged, every-word-counts writing, this is one good-looking, creepy horror book. You really don’t need to know any more than that, so you? Young Avengers #3 — Writer: Kieron Gillen; Art: Jamie McKelvie with Mike Norton Another great writer/artist team (everybody’s read their two Phonogram series, right? The second one, especially? The one I … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #242

Young Romance #1 (of 1) — Creators: Ann Nocenti and Emanuela Lupacchino (Catwoman/Batman); Cecil Castellucci and Inaki Miranda (Aquaman/Mera); Ray Fawkes and Julius Gopez (Batgirl/Random Guy); Peter Milligan and Simon Bisley (Apollo/Midnighter); Kyle Higgins and Sanford Greene (Nightwing/Ursa Minor); Andy Diggle and Robson Rocha (Superman/Wonder Woman) DC exhibits rare good timing, with a 48-page Valentine’s Day special the week before the event. If your significant other is a DC fan, this $7.99 package would be a decent present: the leadoff Catwoman/Batman story is good, while there’s welcome diversity in the Apollo/Midnighter tale (and the best art); the Superman/Wonder Woman story … Continue reading