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Tag Archives: Magneto
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #492

X-Men: Black — Magneto #1 (of 1) — Writer: Chris Claremont; Pencils: Dalibor Talajic; Inks: Roberto Poggi and Belarino Brabo; Colors: Dono Sanchez-Almara Superior Octopus #1 (of 1) — Writer: Christos Gage; Pencils: Mike Hawthorne; Inks: Wade von Grawbadger; Colors: Jordie Bellaire Typhoid Fever: Spider-Man #1 (of 1) — Writer: Clay McLeod Chapman; Art: Stefano Landini; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Sleepwalker #1 (of 4) — Writers: Chad Bowers and Chris Sims; Art: Todd Nauck; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Shatterstar #1 (of 5) — Writer: Tim Seeley; Pencils: Carlos Villa and Gerardo Sandoval; Inks: Juan Vlasco; Colors: Carlos Lopez X-Men: Black is a … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Archie, Batman, Blackbird, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Dead Rabbit, Doctor Strange, Errand Boys, Inhumans, Iron Man, Jook Joint, Kim Reaper, Magneto, Nightwing, Shatterstar, Sleepwalker, Spider-man, The Dreaming, Umbrella Academy, United States Vs. Murder Inc., Walk Through Hell, Warbears, What If?, Witching Hour, Wonder Woman, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #266

The New 52: Futures End #1 (of 52) — Writers: Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens and Keith Giffen; Art: Patrick Zircher This is yet another week with a bunch of first issues; most are either Marvel, Image or smaller publishers, but let’s start with DC’s second weekly comic. It helps a lot if you come into this having read the Free Comic Book Day Futures End #0, since that sets up the premise — the DC Earth of 35 years from now has been taken over by Brother Eye (in this continuity, created by the New-52 version of Mr. … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Caliban, Chaos, Cyclops, Fatale, Future's End, Loki, Magneto, Miracleman, Moon Knight, Nailbiter, Original Sin, She-Hulk, The Woods, Ultimate Spider-man
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #94

All right folks. We’re back with a bunch of new comics and a big ol’ week of books. Let’s do this. Moon Knight #1 Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Declan Shalvey So you’d think I would love this book if only because Ellis is writing it, but it goes way beyond that. Ellis take on Moon Knight is as quality as you’d expect it to be, but it’s Shalvey’s art and Jordie Bellaire’s coloring (or lack thereof) that make this book easily stand out as the best of the week. I think they chose to not even color in any part … Continue reading
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #15 by Dan!

All right folks! It was a seriously huge week, so let’s get down to business! My Top 5 (The 5 Best Comics of the Week) Fantastic Four #587 Writer: Jonathan Hickman, Artist: Steve Epting I am shocked. I really have not cared about the Hickman FF run at all. I found it boring, pretentious and convoluted. Then the last six pages of this issue happened. I know that you’ve probably all heard about the death, but I don’t feel like spoiling it. Just know that it was in a super bad-ass take no prisoners, kicking and screaming kinda way, adding … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Brian Wood, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Detective Comics, Doom, Ed Brubaker, Fantastic Four, Green Arrow, Human Torch, Magneto, New Avengers, New York Five, Secret Avengers, Shazam, The Thing, Thor, Thunderbolts, Ultimate Avengers, Uncanny X-force, Wonder Woman, X-force, X-men
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Fresh Eyes on Old Books #4 by Dan!

The emmy goes to… Top Chef! And no one really cares. Dan talks about old comics… and everyone cares! Batman #126 from 1959. Immediately I want to point out that Hawaii wasn’t a state when this came out, and they have a whole section discussing all 49 states, which is AWESOME. Also, Robin uses the bat-plane to blast exhaust into a bad guys face just to disable him. All this happens before Batman and Robin fight the giant Kodiak Bear. Add in some “native eskimo tongue” and you’ll slowly start to realize how awesome this all is. And that’s just … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Marvel, News and Events, Reviews
Tagged Batman, DC, Doom Patrol, Magneto, Marvel, Marvel Girl, Prof. X, Robin, Stan Lee, Uncanny x-men, X-men
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