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Tag Archives: Convergence
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #319

This week offers the last of the DC Convergence titles — which would mean less work for me next week, except that now all the Secret Wars tie-ins are in full bloom. Otherwise, there’s new work by Neil Gaiman, Walt Simonson and Alan Moore, plus a few other books. Let’s see: Convergence #8 — Writers: Jeff King and Scott Lobdell; Pencils: Stephen Segovia, Carlo Pagulayan, Eduardo Pansica and Ethan Van Sciver; Inks: Five different guys; Colors: Peter Steigerwald Convergence: Action Comics #2 (of 2) — Writer: Justin Gray; Pencils: Claude St-Aubin; Inks: Sean Parsons; Colors: Lovern Kindzierski and Hi-Fi Convergence: Detective … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Convergence, Deadly Class, Fight Club 2, Material, Outcast, Providence, Ragnarok, Sabrina, Sandman, Secret Wars, Sons of the Devil
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #318

Next-to-the-last week for Convergence, but now Marvel’s Secret Wars tie-ins start this week (although there’s no issue of the main title); in addition, a ton of indy books came out, from Optic Nerve to Wytches to Lumberjanes to Powers, so let’s dive in: Convergence #7 (of 8) — Writers: Jeff King and Scott Lobdell; Pencils: Aaron Lopresti; Inks: Mark Morales; Colors: Peter Steigerwald Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #2 (of 2) — Writer: Marc Andreyko; Art: Carlos D’Anda; Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Convergence: The Flash #2 (of 2) — Writer: Dan Abnett; Art: Federico Dallocchio; Colors: Veronica Gandini Convergence: Green Lantern … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A-Force, Battleworld, Convergence, Groo, Loki, Lumberjanes, Optic Nerve, Planet Hulk, Powers, Satellite Sam, Secret Wars, Spider-Verse, Stray Bullets, The Fade-Out, The Goon, Ultimate End, Usagi Yojimbo, Wytches, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff Bought #317

Another week of Convergence, plus the next Secret Wars (just the second issue of the main title; Marvel’s tie-ins to it aren’t starting until next week), the revelation of who Lady Thor is, and a bunch of other Marvel and indy books that stood out. As with last week, all the Convergence titles also feature a different preview of one of DC’s June titles, so read through the reviews to see which new-book appetizer appears where: Convergence #6 (of 8) — Writers: Jeff King and Scott Lobdell; Pencils: Ed Benes and Eduardo Pansica; Inks: Ed Benes, Trevor Scott, Scott Hanna … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Astro City, Captain Marvel, Convergence, Harrow County, Injection, Miami Vice, Mythic, Rebels, Saga, Secret Wars, Thor, Winter Soldier
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #316

We start to get the second issues of all the Convergence mini-series this week, and I’m even more impressed with Chip Kidd’s alternate-cover designs (with the #2’s the “other halves” of the #1’s), and the way the original artists of the cover images are given prominent credit. DC’s including eight-page previews of their post-Convergence new and returning titles, a different one in every book; check the reviews here to see which preview can be found in which title. Meanwhile, the other comics companies haven’t been idle: Marvel’s got Secret Wars #1 and a new Squirrel Girl, while new issues of … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #315

We’re halfway through with Convergence: this is the last week of “new” titles, with the second issues of all the two-part tie-ins starting next week. Let’s check them out, and then tackle the rest of the week’s offerings…. Convergence #4 (of 8) — Writer: Jeff King; Pencils: Stephen Segovia; Inks: Seven different guys; Colors: John Starr with Peter Steigerwald The main title gets a lot more linear this issue, with an actual plot that begins to tie everything together: the Earth-2 heroes, fleeing Telos, have ended up in The Warlord’s dimension of Skartaris, where the evil wizard Deimos is trying … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Bitch Planet, Convergence, Daredevil, Justice League, Multiversity, Outcast, Red One, Secret Avengers, Silver Surfer, Superman, Vertigo Quarterly
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