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Tag Archives: The Wicked and the Divine
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #447

Doctor Strange #381 — Writer: Donny Cates; Art: Gabriel Hernandez Walta; Colors: Jordie Bellaire Punisher #218 — Writer: Matthew Rosenberg; Art: Guiu Vilanova; Colors: Lee Loughridge Amazing Spider-Man #791 — Writer: Dan Slott; Pencils: Stuart Immonen; Inks: Mark von Grawbadger; Colors: Rain Beredo The Mighty Thor #701 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: James Harren; Colors: Dave Stewart Doctor Strange is the most-anticipatred Legacy relaunch this week; writer Donny Cates made a splash last year with the indy books God Country and Redneck (the latter a Texas-vampire genre romp that got shout-outs from, among others, Entertainment Weekly), got tapped by Marvel, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Batman, Brilliant Trash, Bug, Champions, Dark Fang, Defenders, Doctor Strange, Evolution, Fence, Hawkeye, Maestros, Mage, Punisher, Spider-man, The Wicked and the Divine, The Wild Storm, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #421

Secret Empire #2 (of 10) — Writer: Nick Spencer; Art/Colors: Andrea Sorrentino with Rod Reis Luke Cage #1 — Writer: David F. Walker; Art: Nelson Blake II; Colors: Marcio Menyz Generation X #1 — Writer: Christina Strain; Art: Amilcar Pinna; Colors: Felipe Sobreiro Nick Fury #2 — Writer: James Robinson; Pencils: ACO; Inks: Hugo Petrus; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg I like the way Secret Empire just jumps to the hope-is-all-gone stage of its Hydra takeover of the US, rather than wasting our time with set-up, and Sorrentino’s and Reis’s moody, dimly-lit art and imaginative page design set just the right tone and … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged American Gods, Archie, Astro City, Batman, Cave Carson, Flash, Generation X, God Country, Grrl Scouts, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Jughead, Kim Reaper, Luke Cage, Nick Fury, Powers, Royal City, Secret Empire, Spirit, Squirrel Girl, Super Sons, Teen Titans, The Wicked and the Divine, The Wild Storm, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews #348: Gender-Friendly Comics

A few weeks ago, we were talking about comics for kids; this week, let’s talk about another underserved class of readers: girls and women. There’ve always been exceptions to the comics-are-for-guys meme — the Chris Claremont X-Men of the ’70s and ’80s, New Teen Titans in the ’80s, Sandman and a lot of Vertigo titles in the ’90s, and big chunks of the manga boom in the ’00s — but in the last two years we’ve seen both a new commitment by the big comics companies to attract a more diverse audience, and an explosion of female creators, both writers … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Autumnlands, Batgirl, Batman '66, Civil War, Clean Room, Deadpool, I Hate Fairyland, Inhumans, Jem, Justice League, Klaus, Lucifer, Lumberjanes, Ms. Marvel, Phonogram, Robin, Secret Six, Silk, Spider-man, Squadron Supreme, Squirrel Girl, Starbrand and Nightmask, Super Zero, Superman, The Wicked and the Divine, Thor, Ultimate End, Weirdworld, X-men
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