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Tag Archives: God Country
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #421

Secret Empire #2 (of 10) — Writer: Nick Spencer; Art/Colors: Andrea Sorrentino with Rod Reis Luke Cage #1 — Writer: David F. Walker; Art: Nelson Blake II; Colors: Marcio Menyz Generation X #1 — Writer: Christina Strain; Art: Amilcar Pinna; Colors: Felipe Sobreiro Nick Fury #2 — Writer: James Robinson; Pencils: ACO; Inks: Hugo Petrus; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg I like the way Secret Empire just jumps to the hope-is-all-gone stage of its Hydra takeover of the US, rather than wasting our time with set-up, and Sorrentino’s and Reis’s moody, dimly-lit art and imaginative page design set just the right tone and … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged American Gods, Archie, Astro City, Batman, Cave Carson, Flash, Generation X, God Country, Grrl Scouts, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Jughead, Kim Reaper, Luke Cage, Nick Fury, Powers, Royal City, Secret Empire, Spirit, Squirrel Girl, Super Sons, Teen Titans, The Wicked and the Divine, The Wild Storm, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #412

Amazing Spider-Man #25 — (Main Story): Writer: Dan Slott; Pencils: Stuart Immonen; Inks: Wade von Grawbadger; Colors: Marte Gracia Spider-Man #14 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Sara Pichelli; Colors: Justin Ponsor Ms. Marvel #16 — Writer: G. Willow Wilson; Art: Takeshi Miyazawa; Colors: Ian Herring The Mighty Thor #17 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Russell Dauterman; Colors: Matthew Wilson Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat #16 — Writer: Kate Leth; Art: Brittney L. Williams; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Only five Marvel books, six DCs, and fifteen indy books (including nine just from Image) on tap this week, but let’s start with the … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged American Gods, Batman, Batwoman, Box Office Poison, Casanova, Cave Carson, Coady and the Creepers, East of West, God Country, Head Lopper, Hellboy, Hellcat, I Hate Fairyland, Injection, Island, Kill or be Killed, Ms. Marvel, Sex Criminals, Spider-man, Spook House, Super Sons, Superman, Thor, Vampirella, Wildstorm
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #403

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #16 — Writers: Ryan North and Will Murray; Art: Erica Henderson; Colors: Rico Renzi The Mighty Thor #15 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Russell Dauterman; Colors: Matthew Wilson Ms. Marvel #14 — Writer: G. Willow Wilson; Art: Takeshi Miyazawa; Colors: Ian Herring Jessica Jones #4 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Michael Gaydos; Colors: Matt Hollingsworth As so often lately, we’re starting with the Marvel women heroes, because they’re currently starring in some of the most innovative and fun comics. Squirrel Girl is celebrating its 25th anniversary. How is that possible for a book that just … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, God Country, Green Lantern, Groo, Guardians of the Galaxy, Inhumans, Jessica Jones, Jughead, Justiuce League, Moonshine, Ms. Marvel, Rocket Raccoon, Shadows on the Grave, Sherlock, Shipwrecked, Southern Bastards, Spider-man, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Squirrel Girl, Stray Bullets, Suicide Squad, The Assignment, The Rift, Thor, Violent Love, X-men
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