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Tag Archives: Grrl Scouts
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #443

The Mighty Thor #700 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Various The Invincible Iron Man #593 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Stefano Caselli and Alex Maleev; Colors: Marte Gracia and Alex Maleev The Incredible Hulk #709 — Writer: Greg Pak; Pencils: Greg Land; Inks: Jay Leisten; Colors: Frank D’Armata The Mighty Thor #700, a double-sized anniversary issue, is not the end of the current storyline, but a criss-crossed-plots advancement of it, a smorgasboard of all the “War Between the Realms” sub-plots you’ve been missing if you haven’t been reading it, all written by Jason Aaron (who’s been chronicling Asgardian adventures … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Animosity, Astro City, Batman, Champions, Deadpool, Grrl Scouts, Harley Quinn, Hulk, Iron Man, Kid Lobotomy, Kill or be Killed, Lumberjanes, Maestros, Mage, Rick and Morty, Spy Seal, The Wild Storm, Thor, Wonder Woman
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #439

Harley Quinn Batman Day Special Edition — Writers: Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti; Art: John Timms; Colors: Hi-Fi Batman Day Special Edition #1 — (Framing Sequence): Writers: Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti; Art: Bret Blevins; Colors: Paul Mounts ; (Main Story): Writer: Tom King; Art: David Finch; Colors: Jordie Bellaire DC Superhero Girls Batman Day Special Edition — Writer: Shea Fontana; Art: Marcelo DiChiara and Agnes Garbowska; Colors: Silvana Brys Harley Quinn #28 — Writers: Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti; Art: John Timms with Tom Derenick; Colors: Alex Sinclair Batman #31 — Writer: Tom King; Art: Mikel Janin; Colors: June … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Animosity, Avengers, Batman, Batman Day, Bug, Cave Carson, Conan, Gasolina, Grrl Scouts, Harley Quinn, Head Lopper, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Simpsons, Space Ghost, Treehouse of Terror, Wonder Woman
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #435

This week, for $3, less than the price of one new comic, you can get three, all by Jack Kirby: True Believers: Kirby 100th — Nick Fury #1 — Creators: Jack Kirby and Stan Lee True Believers: Kirby 100th — Inhumans #1 — Creator: Jack Kirby True Believers: Kirby 100th — Devil Dinosaur #1 — Creator: Jack Kirby They form an interesting sequence, too: Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D is from 1965, at the height of both the Silver Age and the ’60s super-spy craze; we watch middle-aged, tough-as-nails WW II vet Fury (in his late 40s, just like Kirby) gets … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Archie, Batman, Dept.H., Devil Dinosaur, Doctor Strange, Grrl Scouts, Hi-Fi Fight Club, Inhumans, Jack Kirby, Kamandi, Lumberjanes, Manhunter, Moonstruck, Nick Fury, Nightwing, Redneck, Rick and Morty, Sabrina, Secret Empire, Shadow, The Hard Place, Thor, Venom
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #426

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #1 — Writer: Chip Zdarsky; Art: Adam Kubert; Colors: Jordie Bellaire W.M.D.: Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha #1 — Writer: Greg Pak; Art: Mahmud Asrar; Colors: Nolan Woodard Nick Fury #3 — Writer: James Robinson; Pencils: ACO; Inks: Hugo Petrus; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Invincible Iron Man #8 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Stefano Caselli; Colors: Marte Gracia Silver Surfer #12 — Writer: Dan Slott; Art: Michael Allred; Colors: Laura Allred Mighty Thor #20 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art/Color: Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson; Valerio Schiti and Veronica Gandini America #4 — Writer: Gabby Rivera; … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged America, Archie, Batman, Cave Carson, Crosswind, Grrl Scouts, Head Lopper, Iron Man, Lobo, Looney Tunes, Lumberjanes, Nick Fury, September Mourning, Shaolin Cowboy, Silver Surfer, Spider-man, The Wild Storm, Thor, Wonder Woman
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #421

Secret Empire #2 (of 10) — Writer: Nick Spencer; Art/Colors: Andrea Sorrentino with Rod Reis Luke Cage #1 — Writer: David F. Walker; Art: Nelson Blake II; Colors: Marcio Menyz Generation X #1 — Writer: Christina Strain; Art: Amilcar Pinna; Colors: Felipe Sobreiro Nick Fury #2 — Writer: James Robinson; Pencils: ACO; Inks: Hugo Petrus; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg I like the way Secret Empire just jumps to the hope-is-all-gone stage of its Hydra takeover of the US, rather than wasting our time with set-up, and Sorrentino’s and Reis’s moody, dimly-lit art and imaginative page design set just the right tone and … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged American Gods, Archie, Astro City, Batman, Cave Carson, Flash, Generation X, God Country, Grrl Scouts, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Jughead, Kim Reaper, Luke Cage, Nick Fury, Powers, Royal City, Secret Empire, Spirit, Squirrel Girl, Super Sons, Teen Titans, The Wicked and the Divine, The Wild Storm, Thor
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