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Tag Archives: Age of Ultron
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #331

Whew — fifteen Secret Wars tie-ins from Marvel this week, plus eight third issues from DC’s recent new books, plus the usual other cool stuff. Let’s see: Secret Wars: Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #3 (of 4) — Writer: James Robinson; Art: Steve Pugh; Colors: Jim Charalampidis Secret Wars: Armor Wars #4 (of 5) — Writer: James Robinson; Art: Marcio Takara; Colors: Esther Sanz Secret Wars: Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #2 (of 2) — Writer: Al Ewing; Pencils: Alan Davis; Inks: Mark Farmer; Colors: Wil Quintana Secret Wars: 1872 #2 (of 3) — Writer: Gerry Duggan; Art: … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged 1872, Age of Ultron, Amazing Spider-man, Archie, Armor Wars, Astro City, Bizarro, Black Canary, Doctor Fate, Doomed, Groo, Harley Quinn, House of M, Howard the Human, Inferno, Island, Justice League, Loki, Martian Manhunter, Robin, Runaways, Secret Six, Secret Wars, Stray Bullets, Superman, Trees, Weirdworld, X-Tinction Agenda
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #328

Besides Marvel’s usual Secret Wars entries (this is going to be over soon — right, guys? Guys…?), DC releases a number of annuals this week (a traditional midsummer move), and then there are the usual cool indy books, including new issues of Casanova, Sex Criminals, Low, Powers and Sabrina. Let’s look…. Secret Wars: Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #2 (of 4) — Writer: James Robinson; Art: Steve Pugh; Colors: Jim Charalampidis Secret Wars: Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #3 (of 4) — Writer: Cullen Bunn; Art: Matteo Lolli; Colors: Ruth Redmond Secret Wars: M.O.D.O.K.: Assassin #3 (of 5) — Writer: … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #323

Eight Secret Wars tie-ins, but only three DC first issues, make this a smaller week than the last few, but there are still plenty of comics to talk about. Don’t try to buy them at the All About Books and Comics at 5060 North Central, though, because it no longer exists — instead, come to the brand-new All About, right around the corner at 24 West Camelback, starting July 1st, and marvel at the amazing job everyone’s done to create the best-looking place to buy comics (combined with, obviously, the best selection of old and new issues) in the whole state! Secret … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Batgirl, Daredevil, E Is for Extinction, Empire, Green Lantern, Infinity Gauntlet, Justice League 3001, Korvac Saga, Loki, M.O.D.O.K. Assassin, Marvel Zombies, Planet Hulk, Secret Wars, Superman, The Fade-Out, We Are Robin, Where Monsters Dwell, X-Men '92
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The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #79 by Dan!

And I’m back! It’s been so very long since you’ve heard from me, but I’m back in action. Let’s do this! Justice League Dark #22 Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Mikel Janin Constantine #5 Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Renato Guedes I’m starting to think I’m a little burnt out on all the DC events that go down. That’s not to say this one is bad. Things are actually happening and moving right along, but I just kinda don’t care anymore. The Justice League, Justice League of America and Justice League Dark all officially run into each other while trying to deal … Continue reading