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Tag Archives: Apocalypse
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #333

Still nine Secret Wars tie-ins this week, but we’re starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, since two of them actually conclude; over on the DC side, the flood of new titles has settled considerably (only Bombshells made it to my “buy” stack this week), but that just leaves more room for a number of cool indy titles, including Casanova, Brian K. Vaughan’s US/Canadian war comic We Stand On Guard, Rich Tommaso’s almost-an-underground Dark Corridor, a new Jeff Lemire book, a new Minimum Wage, and the usual good comics from people named Moore (Alan and Terry, … Continue reading →
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Age of Ultron, Apocalypse, Bombshells, Casanova, Dark Corridor, Deadpool, Hulk, Minimum Wage, Mockingbird, Plutona, Providece, Secret Wars, Spider-man, Thanos, Thor Daredevil, War Stories, We Stand on Guard
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #329

Secret Wars: Age of Apocalypse #2 (of 4) — Writer: Fabian Nicieza; Art: Gerardo Sandoval; Colors: David Curiel Secret Wars: Civil War #2 (of 4) — Writer: Charles Soule; Pencils: Leinil Francis Yu; Inks: Gerry Alanguilan; Colors: Sunny Gho Secret Wars: Future Imperfect #4 (of ) — Writer: Peter David; Pencils: Greg Land; Inks: Jay Leisten; Colors: Nolan Woodard Secret Wars: Giant-Size Little Marvel #3 (of 4) — Writer/Artist: Skottie Young; Colors: Jean-Francois Bealieu Secret Wars: Guardians of Knowhere #2 (of 4) — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Mike Deodato; Colors: Frank Martin Eleven Secret Wars tie-ins this week, so let’s … Continue reading →
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Airboy, Apocalypse, Bat-Mite, Batman Beyond, Civil War, Dark Corridor, Deadly Class, Fox, Groot, Guardians, Hulk, Infinity Gauntlet, Justice League, Minimum Wage, Ms. Marvel, Outcast, Secret Wars, Spider-man, Spirit, This Damned Band, Ultimate Spider-man, War Stories, We Stand on Guard, Wicked and the Divine
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