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Tag Archives: We Stand on Guard
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #347

Secret Wars #8 (of 9) — Writer: Jonathan Hickman; Art: Esad Ribic; Colors: Ive Svorcina This series is now like the guest who stays at the party too long: they were entertaining a few hours ago, but now all you want to do is sweep up and lock the doors, and they’re still over at the karaoke machine…. You can’t accuse Hickman of thinking small, though, considering this issue has a cover-featured battle between a giant Thing and a Galactus controlled by Franklin Richards; there’s also a Thanos/Dr. Doom “fight,” a reunion of 3/4 of the Richards family, a bunch … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Alabaster, Amazing Spider-man, Batman, Gotham Academy, Grayson, Gwenpool, Hawkeye, Head Lopper, Insexts, Monstress, New Romancer, Rachel Rising, Robin, Scarlet Witch, Secret Wars, Snow Blind, Stray Bullets, The Violent, Trees, Twilight Children, Ultimates, We Stand on Guard
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #342

Uncanny X-Men #600 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Sara Pichelli, Mahmud Asrar, Stuart Immonen, Eris Anka, Chris Bachalo, David Marquez and Frazer Irving Let’s start with this — not a beginning, but an ending, the conclusion to Bendis’s three-year run on both Uncanny and All-New X-Men. It’s mostly everybody attempting to perform an intervention on Henry McCoy, calling him to task for all his messing with the time-space continuum, after which he kind of stomps out. That’s basically it, but the various flashbacks and little set pieces play to Bendis’s dialogue and character strengths, and the division into small … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Axcend, Blade, Citizen Jack, Dark Corridor, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Drax, Hercules, Howard the Duck, Iron Man, James Bond, Johnny Red, Klaus, Monstress, Nova, Paper Girls, Spider-Gwen, Spider-man, Stray Bullets, Survivors' Club, Unfollow, Velvet, Vision, We Stand on Guard, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #338

So: A bunch of new Marvel #1s, a couple of Secret Wars mini conclusions, an actual Secret Wars main-story issue, ten indy debuts, and some other stuff too. Let’s look: All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1 — Creators: Various A-N A-D Marvel Point One is one of those introduce-all-the-new-comics promos (although, even at 64 pages, isn’t $5.99 kind of pushing it for a book you really really want readers to buy…?), with a wrap-around story involving the older-meaner-Hulk character The Maestro and The Collector teaming up to evaluate potential combatants for the new Contest of Champions book; it’s by Al … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A Train Called Love, Amazing Spider-man, Avengers, Batman and Robin Eternal, Codename: Baboushka, Contest of Champions, Dark Corridor, Doctor Strange, Grumpy Cat, Iron Man, Jughead, Old Man Logan, Paper Girls, Plutona, Rowan's Ruin, Secret Wars, The Goon, We Stand on Guard, What If?
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