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Tag Archives: Mage
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #513

True Believers: Captain Marvel — The New Ms. Marvel #1 (of 1) — Writer: Chris Claremont; Pencils: Dave Cockrum; Inks: Bob Wiacek; Colors: Mary Ellen True Believers: Captain Marvel — Avenger #1 (of 1) — Writer: David Michelinie; Pencils: John Byrne; Inks: Klaus Janson; Colors: Sharen True Believers: Captain Marvel — Betrayed! #1 (of 1) — Writer: Chris Claremont; Pencils: Michael Golden; Inks: Armando Gil; Colors: Michael Golden Captain Marvel: Braver and Mightier #1 (of 1) — Writer: Jody Houser; Art: Simone Buonfantino; Colors: Erick Arciniega The Captain Marvel movie debuts next week, and Marvel’s certainly ready: they’ve been publishing their “True … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avant-Guards, Avengers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Conan, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Flash, Hellboy, Heroes in Crisis, Hex Wives, Invaders, Mage, Man-Eaters, Marvel Comics Presents, Rick and Morty, Spider-man, Superior Spider-Man, Superman, West Coast Avengers, Wicked and the Divine, X-Tremists
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #502

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1 (Legacy #241) — Writer: Saladin Ahmed; Art: Javier Garron; Colors: David Curiel Spider-Geddon: Spider-Force #3 (of 3) — Writer: Christopher Priest; Pencils: Marcelo Ferreira and Ibraim Roberson; Inks: Roberto Poggi, Ibraim Roberson and Craig Yeung; Colors: Guru-eFX Spider-Geddon: Spider-Girls #3 (of 3) — Writer: Jody Houser; Art: Andres Genolet; Colors: Cris Peters and Jim Campbell Spider-Geddon: Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #3 (of 3) — Writer: Seanan McGuire; Art: Rosi Kampe; Colors: ian Herring Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #313 — Writer: Sean Ryan; Art: Juan Frigeri; Colors: Jason Keith Amazing Spider-Man #11 (Legacy #812) — Writer: Nick … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Batman Who Laughs, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Goddess Mode, Head Lopper, Hellboy, Hey Kids! Comics!, Mage, Miles Morales, New Talent Showcase, Sasquatch Detective, Silver Surfer, Spider-Geddon, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #498

Uncanny X-Men #1 (Legacy #620) — Writers: Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg and Kelly Thompson; Art: Mahmud Asrar; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Avengers #10 (Legacy #700) — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: David Marquez and Ed McGuinness with Frazer Irving, Adam Kubert and Andrea Sorrentino; Colors: Justin Ponsor, Erick Arciniega, Frazer Irving, Matthew Wilson and Giada Marchisio The Black Order #1 (of 5) — Writer: Derek Landy; Pencils: Philip Tan; Inks: Marc Deering, Guillermo Ortega and Le Beau Underwood; Colors: Jay David Ramos Uncanny X-Men #1 is a relaunch of that bedrock Marvel title, and it’s following the same pattern as the Avengers … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Bitter Root, Black Order, Cemetery Beach, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Deadpool, Domino, Dr. Horrible, Electric Warriors, Elizabeth Dumn, Fantastic Four, Jook Joint, Mage, Mister Miracle, Spider-Geddon, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, Thor, Uncanny x-men, Venom, Wasp
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #489

Archie 1941 #1 (of 5) — Writers: Brian Augustyn and Mark Waid; Art: Peter Krause; Colors: Kelly Fitzpatrick Cemetery Beach #1 (of 7) — Writer: Warren Ellis; Art/Colors: Jason Howard MCMLXXV #1 — Writer: Joe Casey; Art: Ian Macewan; Colors: Brad Simpson Moth and Whisper #1 — Writer: Ted Anderson; Art/Colors: Jen Hickman A ton of good comics were released this week — enough to cover 35 of them here — so let’s get started: we’ll begin with the indy titles, since they’re such a diverse and high-quality group. Archie 1941 imagines Archie and the crew graduating high school the year … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Alias, Archie, B.P.R.D., Catwoman, Cemetery Beach, Champions, Crowded, Daredevil, Domino, Fantastic Four, Farmhand, Head Lopper, Hey Kids! Comics!, House of Whispers, Iceman, Infinity War, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Luke Cage, Mage, Marvel Rising, MCMLXXV, Moth and Whisper, Plastic Man, Runaways, She Could Fly, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, The New World, The Seeds, Wicked and the Divine, World of Tanks
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #482

True Believers: Fantastic Four: By John Byrne #1 (of 1) — Writer/Pencils: John Byrne; Inks: Bjorn Heyn; Colors: Glynis Wein True Believers: Fantastic Four: By Walter Simonson #1 (of 1) — Writer/Art: Walt Simonson; Colors: Max Scheele The Life of Captain Marvel #1 (of 5) — Writer: Margaret Stohl; Carlos Pacheco and Rafael Fonteriz; Marguerite Sauvage; Colors: Marcio Menyz and Marguerite Sauvage Marvel offers two more of its $1 “True Believer” Fantastic Four reprints this week, both spotlighting writer/artists who had influential runs on the title. The first, John Byrne, had arguably the best since the Lee/Kirby era: a five-year … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Archie, Avengers, Batman, Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Futurama, Gideon Falls, Hulk, Iron Man, Justice League, Kick Ass, Mage, Magic Order, Proxima Centauri, Runaways, Skyward, The Wild Storm, Thor
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