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Tag Archives: Champions
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #505

Conan the Barbarian #1 (Legacy #276) — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Mahmud Asrar; Colors: Matthew Wilson True Believers: Conan the Barbarian #1 (of 1) — Writer: Roy Thomas; Pencils: Barry Smith; Inks: Dan Adkins True Believers: Conan the Barbarian: Tower of the Elephant #1 (of 1) — Writer: Roy Thomas; Pencils: Barry Smith; Inks: Sal Buscema Champions #1 — Writer: Jim Zub; Art: Steven Cummings; Colors: Marcio Menyz with Erick Arciniega Infinity Wars: Infinity #1 (of 1) — Writer: Gerry Duggan; Pencils: Mark Bagley; Inks: Andrew Hennessy; Colors: Guru-eFX Wolverine: The Long Night #1 (of 5) — Writer: Benjamin Percy; … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Archie, Champions, Conan, Fantastic Four, Hellboy, Heroes in Crisis, Hulk, Infinity Wars, Iron Man, Rick and Morty, Runaways, Scarlet, Superman, Umbrella Academy, Winter Soldier, Wolverine, X-Man
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #489

Archie 1941 #1 (of 5) — Writers: Brian Augustyn and Mark Waid; Art: Peter Krause; Colors: Kelly Fitzpatrick Cemetery Beach #1 (of 7) — Writer: Warren Ellis; Art/Colors: Jason Howard MCMLXXV #1 — Writer: Joe Casey; Art: Ian Macewan; Colors: Brad Simpson Moth and Whisper #1 — Writer: Ted Anderson; Art/Colors: Jen Hickman A ton of good comics were released this week — enough to cover 35 of them here — so let’s get started: we’ll begin with the indy titles, since they’re such a diverse and high-quality group. Archie 1941 imagines Archie and the crew graduating high school the year … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Alias, Archie, B.P.R.D., Catwoman, Cemetery Beach, Champions, Crowded, Daredevil, Domino, Fantastic Four, Farmhand, Head Lopper, Hey Kids! Comics!, House of Whispers, Iceman, Infinity War, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Luke Cage, Mage, Marvel Rising, MCMLXXV, Moth and Whisper, Plastic Man, Runaways, She Could Fly, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, The New World, The Seeds, Wicked and the Divine, World of Tanks
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #481

Amazing Spider-Man #1 (#802) — Writer: Nick Spencer; Pencils: Ryan Ottley; Inks: Cliff Rathburn; Colors: Laura Martin True Believers: Fantastic Four: Vs. Doctor Doom! #1 (of 1) — Writer: Stan Lee; Pencils: Jack Kirby; Inks: Sol Brodsky True Believers: Fantastic Four: Hulk vs. Thing #1 (of 1) — Writer: Stan Lee; Pencils: John Buscema; Inks: Joe Sinnott True Believers: Fantastic Four: Galactus Hungers #1 (of 1) — Writer: Roy Thomas; Art: John Buscema Amazing Spider-Man‘s latest volume gets a double-sized first issue; new writer Nick Spencer titles it “Back To Basics” (a callback to John Byrne’s Fantastic Four #232…), and … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #456

Avengers #676 — Writers: Mark Waid, Al Ewing and Jim Zub; Art: Pepe Larraz; Colors: David Curiel Doctor Strange #384 — Writer: Donny Cates; Art: Gabriel Hernandez Walta; Colors: Jordie Bellaire The Mighty Thor #703 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Russell Dauterman; Colors: Matthew Wilson Venom, Inc. Omega — Writers: Dan Slott and Mike Costa; Pencils: Ryan Stegman and Gerardo Sandoval; Inks: Jay Leisten; Colors: Brian Reber Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #299 — Writer: Chip Zdarsky; Art: Adam Kubert and Juan Frigeri; Colors: Jason Keith Champions #16 — Writer: Mark Waid; Pencils: Humberto Ramos; Inks: Victor Olazaba; Colors: Edgar … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Assassinistas, Avengers, Batman, Champions, Damage, Days of Hate, Doctor Strange, Ice Cream Man, Kill or be Killed, Mage, Nick Wilson, Spider-man, Strangers in Paradise, Super Sons, The Spirit, Thor, Venom
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