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Tag Archives: Mister Miracle
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #498

Uncanny X-Men #1 (Legacy #620) — Writers: Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg and Kelly Thompson; Art: Mahmud Asrar; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Avengers #10 (Legacy #700) — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: David Marquez and Ed McGuinness with Frazer Irving, Adam Kubert and Andrea Sorrentino; Colors: Justin Ponsor, Erick Arciniega, Frazer Irving, Matthew Wilson and Giada Marchisio The Black Order #1 (of 5) — Writer: Derek Landy; Pencils: Philip Tan; Inks: Marc Deering, Guillermo Ortega and Le Beau Underwood; Colors: Jay David Ramos Uncanny X-Men #1 is a relaunch of that bedrock Marvel title, and it’s following the same pattern as the Avengers … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Bitter Root, Black Order, Cemetery Beach, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Deadpool, Domino, Dr. Horrible, Electric Warriors, Elizabeth Dumn, Fantastic Four, Jook Joint, Mage, Mister Miracle, Spider-Geddon, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, Thor, Uncanny x-men, Venom, Wasp
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #490

Return of Wolverine #1 (of 5) — Writer: Charles Soule; Pencils: Steve McNiven; Inks: Jay Leisten; Colors: Laura Martin Infinity Warps: Soldier Supreme #1 (of 2) — Writer: Gerry Duggan; Art: Adam Kubert; Colors: Matthew Wilson True Believers: Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary: Punisher: The First Appearance #1 (of 1) — Writer: Gerry Conway; Pencils: Ross Andru; Inks: Frank Giacoia and Dave Hunt True Believers: Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary: Punisher by Grant and Zeck #1 (of 1) — Writer: Steven Grant; Art: Mike Zeck; True Believers: Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary: Iron Fist by Thomas and Kane #1 (of 1) — … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Black Badge, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Dick Tracy, Doctor Strange, HIt Girl, Hulk, Infinity Warps, Iron Fist, Justice League, Luke Cage, Lumberjanes, Mister Miracle, Mr. and Mrs. X, Punisher, Rick and Morty, Simpsons, Spider-man, Strangers i Paradise, The Wild Storm, Thor, Usagi Yojimbo, Venom, West Coast Avengers, Wolverine
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #484

Infinity Wars #1 (of 6) — Writer: Gerry Duggan; Art: Mike Deodato, Jr.; Colors: Frank Martin Marvel Rising: Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl #1 (of 1) — Writers: G. Willow Wilson and Ryan North with Devin Grayson; Art: Ramon Bachs and Irene Strychalski; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Captain America #2 — Writer: Ta-Nehisi Coates; Pencils: Leonil Francis Yu; Inks: Gerry Alanguilan and Leonil Francis Yu; Colors: Sunny Gho Cosmic Ghost Rider #2 — Writer: Donny Cates; Art: Dylan Burnett; Colors: Antonio Fabela Death of the Inhumans #2 (of 5 ) — Writer: Donny Cates; Art: Ariel Olivetti; Colors: Jordie Bellaire Infinity … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Ant-Man, Batman, Captain America, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Deathstroke, Hulk, Infinity Wars, Inhumans, Justice League, Leviathan, Mister Miracle, Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Stray Bullets, Super Sons, The Seeds, Wasp, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #477

The Weeknd Presents Starboy #1 — Writers: Abel Tesfaye, La Mar Taylor and Christos Gage; Art: Eric Nguyen; Colors: Guru-eFX Thor #1 (#707) — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art/Colors: Mike del Mundo with Marco D’Alfonso Marvel Rising: Alpha #1 (of 1) — Writer: Devin Grayson; Art: Georges Duarte; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #33 — Writer: Ryan North; Art: Derek Charm; Colors: Rico Renzi Deadpool: Assassin #1 (of 6) — Writer: Cullen Bunn; Pencils: Mark Bagley; Inks: John Dell; Colors: Edgar Delgado The Weeknd Presents Starboy looks good, and has style; as a comic inspired by the title of that … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A Walk Through Hell, Ant-Man, B.P.R.D., Batman, Deadpool, Domino, Etermity Girl, Hawkman, Hellboy, I Hate Fairyland, Kick Ass, Mage, Magic Order, Man of Steel, Marvel Rising, Mister Miracle, Plastic Man, Squirrel Girl, The Wasp, The Weeknd, Thor, Titans, Venom, World of Tanks
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #469

Action Comics #1000 — Writer/Pencils: Dan Jurgens; Inks: Norm Rapmund; Colors: Hi-Fi; Other Stories: Various Let’s start with DC this week, especially with Action Comics #1000 being one of the most anticipated comics in months: it’s 80 pages for $8 (well, $7.99…), and in addition to the lead story (14 pages written and drawn by Dan Jurgens, who’s finishing his tenure on the book after very capably helming it since its “Rebirth” relaunch) there are a bunch of shorter tales: “Never-Ending Battle,” a tribute to the various Superman styles over the last 80 years, written by Peter Tomasi and with … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Assassinistas, Avengers, Batman, Black Panther, Cave Carson, Daredevil, Deadman, Empowered, Infinity Countdown, Kick Ass, Mage, Mister Miracle, Moonshine, Skyward, Spider-man, Superman, Usagi Yojimbo, Wonder Woman
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