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Tag Archives: Batman ’66
Phil’s Reviews #348: Gender-Friendly Comics

A few weeks ago, we were talking about comics for kids; this week, let’s talk about another underserved class of readers: girls and women. There’ve always been exceptions to the comics-are-for-guys meme — the Chris Claremont X-Men of the ’70s and ’80s, New Teen Titans in the ’80s, Sandman and a lot of Vertigo titles in the ’90s, and big chunks of the manga boom in the ’00s — but in the last two years we’ve seen both a new commitment by the big comics companies to attract a more diverse audience, and an explosion of female creators, both writers … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Autumnlands, Batgirl, Batman '66, Civil War, Clean Room, Deadpool, I Hate Fairyland, Inhumans, Jem, Justice League, Klaus, Lucifer, Lumberjanes, Ms. Marvel, Phonogram, Robin, Secret Six, Silk, Spider-man, Squadron Supreme, Squirrel Girl, Starbrand and Nightmask, Super Zero, Superman, The Wicked and the Divine, Thor, Ultimate End, Weirdworld, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #263

Young Avengers #12 — Writer: Kieron Gillen; Pencils: Jamie McKelvie; Inks: McKelvie, Stephen Thompson and Mike Norton The sad news is that this incarnation of Young Avengers is ending in January, with issue #15; the good news is that Gillen and McKelvie are walking away on their own terms, having completed one overall “season,” and it’s been great: funny, wise, exciting, sometimes experimental, and always fun, both to read and to look at (McKelvie’s characters have become so sharply-drawn, so laser-focused and clear, that they leap right off the page). This issue is the next-to-last of the mega-storyline, so it’s … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #254

Like last week, there were a bunch of first issues released this Wednesday, so let’s start with those: The Invincible Haggard West (Battling Boy preview) — Creator: Paul Pope For $2.99, this offers 32 pages of full-color Pope art, involving a jetpack-equipped hero defending kids against creepy mutants in a crumbling urban setting. It’s both a self-contained story and a setup/sneak peek at Pope’s new graphic novel series, Battling Boy, due out in a few months, but hey: reread this paragraph’s first sentence, and that’s all you need to know to understand why this is easily my book of the … Continue reading