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Tag Archives: America
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #444

DC House of Horror #1 (of 1) — Creators: Various Batman: The Merciless #1 (of 1) — Writer: Peter J. Tomasi; Art/Colors: Francis Manapul The Ruff and Reddy Show #1 (of 6) — Writer: Howard Chaykin; Art/Colors: Mac Rey DC’s Hallowe’en special this week, House of Horror, offers eight ten-page Simpsons Treehouse of Horror-type tales where things go horribly wrong for their heroes; the Harley Quinn episode, with Kyle Baker art and a script by Bryan Smith and Brian Keene, is the most notable, but a Justice League vs. zombies story by Brian Keene and Scott Kolins, a chilling Superbaby … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #430

Astonishing X-Men #1 (of 12) — Writer: Charles Soule; Pencils: Jim Cheung; Inks: Mark Morales, Guillermo Ortego and Walden Wong; Colors: Richard Isanove and Rain Beredo Secret Empire #6 (of 10) — Writer: Nick Spencer; Pencils: Leonil Francis Yu; Inks: Gerry Alanguilan with Leonil Francis Yu; Colors: Sunny Gho with Java Tartaglia Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #2 — Writer: Chip Zdarsky; Art: Adam Kubert; Colors: Jordie Bellaire Astonishing X-Men is a 12-issue maxi-series by Soule, who used that length to good effect a couple of years ago on She-Hulk, with a series of one- and two-issue tales that also … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged America, Archie, Batman, Bitch Planet, Cave Carson, Generation Gone, Grrl Scoouts, I Hate Fairyland, Iron Man, Jimmy's Bastards, Justice League, Moonstruck, Ms. Marvel, Royal City, Secret Empire, Shaolin Cowboy, Spider-man, The Wild Storm, Thor, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #426

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #1 — Writer: Chip Zdarsky; Art: Adam Kubert; Colors: Jordie Bellaire W.M.D.: Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha #1 — Writer: Greg Pak; Art: Mahmud Asrar; Colors: Nolan Woodard Nick Fury #3 — Writer: James Robinson; Pencils: ACO; Inks: Hugo Petrus; Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg Invincible Iron Man #8 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Stefano Caselli; Colors: Marte Gracia Silver Surfer #12 — Writer: Dan Slott; Art: Michael Allred; Colors: Laura Allred Mighty Thor #20 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art/Color: Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson; Valerio Schiti and Veronica Gandini America #4 — Writer: Gabby Rivera; … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged America, Archie, Batman, Cave Carson, Crosswind, Grrl Scouts, Head Lopper, Iron Man, Lobo, Looney Tunes, Lumberjanes, Nick Fury, September Mourning, Shaolin Cowboy, Silver Surfer, Spider-man, The Wild Storm, Thor, Wonder Woman
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #415

True Believers: X-Men #1 — Writer: Stan Lee; Pencils: Jack Kirby; Inks: Paul Reinman True Believers: Giant-Size X-Men #1 — Writer: Len Wein; Art: Dave Cockrum; Colors: Glynis Wein X-Men Gold #1 — Writer: Marc Guggenheim; Pencils: Ardian Syaf; Inks: Jay Leisten; Colors: Frank Martin In conjunction with this week’s release of X-Men Gold, the new “main” X-Men title, Marvel’s offering $1 reprints of both 1963’s Lee/Kirby X-Men #1, and 1975’s Wein/Cockrum Giant-Size X-Men #1 (weird to consider that the distance between the Silver Age debut and the Bronze Age makeover was only twelve years — and that it’s been … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged America, Animal Noir, Avengers, Batman, Captain America, Champions, Eleanor and the Egret, Harley Quinn, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Jughead, Kim Reaper, Little Archie, Motor Girl, Paper Girls, Providence, Riverdale, Rock Candy Moountain, Sovereigns, Spider-man, Star Wars, Sun Bakery, Superman, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #410

America #1 — Writer: Gabby Rivera; Pencils: Joe Quinones; Inks: Joe and Paolo Rivera; Colors: Jose Villarrubia The Unstoppable Wasp #3 — Writer: Jeremy Whitley; Art: Elsa Charretier; Colors: Megan Wilson Hawkeye #4 — Writer: Kelly Thompson; Art: Leonardo Romero; Colors: Jordie Bellaire America is a love letter to the Kieron Gillen/Jamie McKelvie Young Avengers, with its lead having come to prominence in that series, and a few of the members of that team showing up, too. It’s got some of the sass, the cutting-edge, clean-looking art, and the casual acceptance of diversity of that well-received series, too; with its … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged America, Animal Noir, Avengers, Batman, Cerebus, Champions, Cinema Purgatorio, Doctor Strange, Extremity, Hawkeye, Monsters Unleashed, Motor Girl, Paper Girls, Royal City, Savage Things, Shade, Spider-man, Superman, Wasp
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