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Tag Archives: Rocketeer
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #261

Velvet #1 — Writer: Ed Brubaker; Art: Steve Epting Image’s creator-owned titles have just been knocking it out of the park (ooh, World Series baseball metaphors!) all year, and this one is no exception; it’s by an established team (Brubaker and Epting spent years together on their well-regarded Captain America run), within an established genre (’60s/’70s-style spy thrillers, ala James Bond or Man From U.N.C.L.E.), but with an interesting twist (it focuses on the secretary/love interest of the spy agency, normally a throwaway character, who of course turns out to be much more than she seems). Brubaker is very good … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Daredevil, Iron Man, Justice League, Pretty Deadly, Rocketeer, Samurai Jack, Satellite Sam, Sex Criminals, Spirit, Ultimate Spider-man, Velvet, Wolverine, X-men, Young Avengers
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #249

Avengers #11 — Writer: Jonathan Hickman; Art: Mike Deodato Secret Avengers #4 — Writer: Nick Spencer; Art: Luke Ross Uncanny Avengers #8 — Writer: Rick Remender; Art: Daniel Acuna Avengers Assemble #15 AU — Writer: Al Ewing; Pencils: Butch Guice; Inks: Tom Palmer with Rick Magyar Lots of Avengers comics this week (plus Avengers Arena, although only the title of that mini-series really connects it to the franchise), and they’re a mixed bag. Hickman’s Avengers is the best; wisely, this is a special-ops, done-in-one story, so it doesn’t add to the title’s increasingly-complex backstory: it’s got Shang-Chi, Spider-Woman, Black Widow, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Battlefields, I Love Trouble, Prophet, Rocketeer, Thor, Uber
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #245

Age of Ultron #2 ( of 8 ) — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Pencils: Brian Hitch; Inks: Paul Neary Uncanny X-Men #3 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Pencils: Chris Bachalo; Inks: Tim Townsend, Jaime Mendoza, Al Vey and Victor Olazara First, for a story set in an Ultron-destroyed New York, Age Of is a very pretty book — all the little bits of rubble are lovingly drawn, while the desperate human refugees look unfailingly handsome; even a reveal of Black Widow’s injured face looks oddly attractive: this is what happens when you get Bryan Hitch to draw your comic. When you get … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #231

Love and Rockets: New Stories #5 — Creators: Los Bros Hernandez This is in the Hernandez Brothers’ current format: a new trade each year, for $14.99, with 100 pages of stories: a look at the new generation of characters in Palomar, from Gilbert, while Jaime provides a series of LA tales involving Vivian and her sister. There’s no Maggie or Hopey, since their story was concluded in last year’s “The Love Bunglers,” and while what’s here isn’t quite at the level of that issue (no sin, since it was one of the best Hernandez offerings ever, and the best comic … Continue reading
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #45 by Dan!

Another day another dollar, and there are lots of dollars worth of comics that came out this week. So let’s do this! Batman #7 Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo This is the best comic of the DC reboot. It’s moving along at it’s own pace; it’s doing it’s own thing, and it’s completely accessible to a new reader. Oh!… and it’s totally awesome! This story seems to be crafted out of the previous Gates of Gotham series, but you don’t even have to read that to understand what’s going on. There’s a section that is almost exactly the same … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Justice League, Kick Ass, Mark Millar, Rocketeer, Tiny Titans, Uncanny x-men, Wonder Woman
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