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Tag Archives: Contest of Champions
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #362

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat #4 — Writer: Kate Leth; Art: Brittney L. Williams; Colors: Megan Wilson Angela, Queen of Hel #6 (of 7) — Writer: Marguerite Bennett; Art: Kim Jacinto; Colors: Israel Silva The Infinity Entity #3 (of 4) — Writer: Jim Starlin; Pencils: Alan Davis; Inks: Mark Farmer; Colors: Wil Quintana Hawkeye #5 — Writer: Jeff Lemire; Art: Ramon Perez; Colors: Ian Herring with Ramon Perez I’ve really been liking Hellcat, with its breezy cartoony style and script that manage to acknowledge both the Stan Lee/Dan Decarlo Millie the Model days and the character’s superhero history since. Naturally, since … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Angela, Avengers, Badger, Batman, Circuit Breaker, Contest of Champions, Delete, Hawkeye, Hellcat, Hulk, Hyperion, Independence Day, Infinity Entity, Outcast, S.H.I.E.L.D., Secret Six, Shadow Glass, Snowfall, Stray Bullets, Ultimates
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #338

So: A bunch of new Marvel #1s, a couple of Secret Wars mini conclusions, an actual Secret Wars main-story issue, ten indy debuts, and some other stuff too. Let’s look: All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1 — Creators: Various A-N A-D Marvel Point One is one of those introduce-all-the-new-comics promos (although, even at 64 pages, isn’t $5.99 kind of pushing it for a book you really really want readers to buy…?), with a wrap-around story involving the older-meaner-Hulk character The Maestro and The Collector teaming up to evaluate potential combatants for the new Contest of Champions book; it’s by Al … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A Train Called Love, Amazing Spider-man, Avengers, Batman and Robin Eternal, Codename: Baboushka, Contest of Champions, Dark Corridor, Doctor Strange, Grumpy Cat, Iron Man, Jughead, Old Man Logan, Paper Girls, Plutona, Rowan's Ruin, Secret Wars, The Goon, We Stand on Guard, What If?
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October Brings Back Marvel – Starting this Wednesday! Look for these titles coming this month! October 7 All New All Different Point One #1 $5.99 Amazing Spider-Man #1 $5.99 Avengers #0 $5.99 Contest of Champions #1 $4.99 Doctor Strange #1 $4.99 Invincible Iron Man #1 $3.99 BIG LAUNCH PARTY -with Variants/ Incentives/LITHOS 10% off Iron Man Merchandise, 20% off Iron Man Back Issues and HUB SPECIALS! October 14 Captain America Sam Wilson #1 $3.99 Guardians of the Galaxy #1 $3.99 New Avengers #1 $3.99 Spider-Man 2099 #1 $3.99 Uncanny Avengers #1 $4.99 October 21 Astonishing Ant-Man #1 $3.99 Karnak #1 … Continue reading
Posted in Marvel, News & Promos, News and Events
Tagged Comics, Contest of Champions, Dr. Strange, Invinicible Iron Man, Marvel, Uncanny Avengers
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