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Tag Archives: Ragemoor
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #223

Batman Incorporated #1 — Writer: Grant Morrison; Art: Chris Burnham After almost a year, it’s nice to have this back, and Morrison offers many of his old tricks: the first-page flash-forward, showing Bruce Wayne in a bad place; the vast conspiracies; the perspective switch to humanize one of the faceless minions; the shock ending; Batman and Damian and Talia and all the moves and counter-moves between Wayne’s forces and Leviathan’s: then, add the art, which is quite good at communicating the action, and looks Quitely-like in some of the expressions and poses (Morrison’s scripts have similar effects on his artists). … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Aquaman, Batman Incorporated, Dark Horse Presents, Jonah Hex, Journey into Mystery, Mind Mgmt, Prophet, Ragemoor, Thor
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