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Tag Archives: Justice League Dark
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #494

Shuri #1 (of 6?) — Writer: Nnedi Okorafor; Art: Leonardo Romero; Colors: Jordie Bellaire The Unstoppable Wasp #1 — Writer: Jeremy Whitley; Art/Colors: Gurihiru X-Men Black — Mystique #1 (of 1) — Writer: Seanan McGuire; Art: Marco Failla; Colors: Jesus Aburtov Shuri is a solo mini-series about the Black Panther’s techno-genius younger sister; Okorafor, the writer, an American-born daughter to two Nigerian immigrants, has a better background to write realistic, strong African women than most, and Leonardo Romero’s art, in the school of Chris Samnee and David Aja, is attractive and open and meticulous, with every line in place. Add … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Archie, Batman, Black Badge, Cover, Daredevil, Empowered, Exorsisters, Ghost Rider, Justice League, Justice League Dark, Lucifer, Lumberjanes, Mr. and Mrs. X, Mystique, Nightwing, Pearl, Runaways, Shuri, Simpsons, Spider-man, Strangers in Paradise, Stray Bullets, Thor, Venom, Wasp, What If?, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #486

West Coast Avengers #1 — Writer: Kelly Thompson; Art: Stefano Caselli; Colors: Triona Farrell Mr. and Mrs. X #2 — Writer: Kelly Thompson; Art: Oscar Bazaldua; Colors: Frank D’Armata The Punisher #1 (Legacy #229) — Writer: Matt Rosenberg; Art: Szymon Kudranski; Colors: Antonio Fabela Avengers: Wakanda Forever #1 (of 1) — Writer: Nnedi Okorafor; Art: Oleg Okunev; Colors: Erick Arciniega When we put the cover of this week’s relaunch of West Coast Avengers #1 up on the store website, almost all the comments were negative, presumably from fans who remember it fondly and don’t think this new iteration does justice to … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews : Stuff I Bought #284

Last week for the DC special covers, so let’s check them out (now that we’ve figured out how to animate them automatically), and then take a quick look at some of the best of this week’s other offerings: Harley Quinn #1 — Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connor; Art: Chad Hardin This Futures End one-shot comes the closest of all of them to just being a regular issue of the comic: it’s by the same creative team, and its tongue-in-cheek style means it doesn’t care about continuity anyway (a good thing, since the Futures End Suicide Squad #1 a few … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Aquaman, Booster Gold, Catwoman, Flash, Future's End, GI Zombie, Harley Quinn, Justice League Dark, Loki, Low, Lumberjanes, Outcast, Red Lanterns, Roche Limit, Saga, Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, Sinestro, Superman
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #235

Liberty Annual 2012 — Creators: Various This is the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s annual moneyraising effort; they’re a First Amendment organization whose primary purpose is to defend comic book retailers (and publishers and creators) from legal challenges when some local parent or prosecutor decides that a comic is obscene. To a journalism major like me, that’s a noble goal; they’ve kept a lot of people out of jail (or from losing their stores) just because they sold someone a comic book. As you might expect, a lot of comics creators appreciate their work, too, so these anthologies are always … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A+X, Aquaman, Batgirl, Bedlam, Fatale, Ghosts, Happy!, HIt Girl, Joe Kubert, Justice League Dark, Liberty Annual, Lot 13, New Mutants, Thor, Ultimate Spider-man, Wolverine, X-men
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