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Tag Archives: Afterlife With Archie
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #384

Silver Surfer #200 — Writer: Dan Slott; Art: Michael Allred; Colors: Laura Allred All-New Wolverine Annual #1 — Writer: Tom Taylor; Art: Marcio Takara; Color: Mat Lopes Amazing Spider-Man #17 — Writer: Dan Slott; Pencils: R. B. Silva; Inks: Adriano di Benedetto; Colors: Marte Gracia Three non-Civil War II tie-ins: Silver Surfer #200 celebrates that title’s anniversary with a 25-page episode of the regular story (with the usual Allred/Slott combination of quirky charm and bittersweet relationship drama), plus a one-page recap, a two-page letters section, a page about the Eisner award for best single issue that the comic won last … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #371

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #7 — Writers: Brandon Montclaire and Amy Reeder; Art: Marco Failla; Colors: Tamra Bonvillain The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8 — Writer: Ryan North; Art: Erica Henderson; Colors: Rico Renzi Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat #6 — Writer: Kate Leth; Art/Colors: Natasha Allegri Ms. Marvel #7 — Writer: G. Willow Wilson; Art: Adrian Alphona; Colors: Ian Herring Mockingbird #3 — Writer: Chelsea Cain; Art: Kate Niemczyk Captain Marvel #5 — Writers: Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters; Art: Kris Anka with Felipe Smith; Colors: Matthew Wilson As so often in comics this year, the women rule: six books … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Afterlife With Archie, Batgirl, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hellcat, Jem and the Holograms, Justice League, Mockingbird, Monstress, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Ms. Marvel, Nighthawk, Rachel Rising, Rebirth, Rick and Morty, Scooby Apocalypse, Secret Six, Spider-man, Squirrel Girl, Superman, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #316

We start to get the second issues of all the Convergence mini-series this week, and I’m even more impressed with Chip Kidd’s alternate-cover designs (with the #2’s the “other halves” of the #1’s), and the way the original artists of the cover images are given prominent credit. DC’s including eight-page previews of their post-Convergence new and returning titles, a different one in every book; check the reviews here to see which preview can be found in which title. Meanwhile, the other comics companies haven’t been idle: Marvel’s got Secret Wars #1 and a new Squirrel Girl, while new issues of … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #295

Lots of good comics this week, so let’s break them down by company — starting with Image, who’s offered literally dozens of cool debuts this year, making themselves the destination publisher for creators who want to stretch their storytelling skills with minimum editorial interference, and maximum retention of the rights to their work: Bitch Planet #1 — Writer: Kelly Sue Deconnick; Art: Valentine de Landro; Colors: Cris Peter Deconnick’s been having a breakout 2014 — her Pretty Deadly, a hallucinatory occult Western, was great, and she’s been making Captain Marvel a smart, galaxy-spanning romp for Marvel. Here, she enters creator-owned … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Afterlife With Archie, Amazing Spider-man, Astro City, Avengers, Axis, Batgirl, Bitch Planet, Darwyn Cooke, East of West, Guardians of the Galaxy, Harley Quinn, Savage Dragon, Sex Criminals, Southern Bastards, Supreme Blue Rose, The Goon, Thor, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #275

Life With Archie #37 — Writer: Paul Kupperberg; Pencils: Fernando Ruiz, Pat & Tim Kennedy; Inks: Bob Smith, Gary Martin Afterlife With Archie #6 — Writer: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa; Art: Francesco Francavilla If you’d told comics fans a year ago that, in the future, for two weeks in a row, the top books would be… Archie comics, they’d have laughed you out of your local comics shop — and yet here we are: after last week’s “Death of…,” the company follows up this week with two worthy efforts. The first, Life of Archie #37, is the coda to the character’s “death”: Riverdale a year later, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Afterlife With Archie, Archie, Batman, Daredevil, Groo vs. Conan, Loki, Ragnarok, Spider-man, Superman, Supreme, The Goon, Thor, Trees, Tuki, Velvet
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