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Tag Archives: Rat God
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #316

We start to get the second issues of all the Convergence mini-series this week, and I’m even more impressed with Chip Kidd’s alternate-cover designs (with the #2’s the “other halves” of the #1’s), and the way the original artists of the cover images are given prominent credit. DC’s including eight-page previews of their post-Convergence new and returning titles, a different one in every book; check the reviews here to see which preview can be found in which title. Meanwhile, the other comics companies haven’t been idle: Marvel’s got Secret Wars #1 and a new Squirrel Girl, while new issues of … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #307

Descender #1 — Writer: Jeff Lemire; Art/Colors: Dustin Nguyen Hawkeye #1 — Writer: Jeff Lemire; Art: Ramon Perez; Colors: Ian Herring with Ramon Perez Two first issues by writer Jeff Lemire this week — one corporate-owned, and one creator-owned. Descender, the creator-owned one, is a science-fiction tale about giant killer robots who, ten years ago, devastated a planetary system and led to widespread fear and discrimination against all machine-based life. Its main character is a young boy, the only survivor of a mining colony disaster, who awakens ten years after that and… well, at first he seems like Jonny Quest (he even has … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Big Man Plans, Blackcross, Crossed +100, Descender, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hawkeye, Lady Killer, Nameless, Rat God, Rocket Raccoon, Saga, Spider-Woman, Supreme, The Big Con Job
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #303

The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time #1 (of 4) — Writer/Artist: Eric Powell Powell toggles between two modes for this title: edgy, Harvey Kurtzman-like slapstick, and grim, dark-as-night horror. The grim, in ascendance during the last mini-series, reaches full force here, as a drunken, grieving and dangerous Goon kills a couple of people (who deserve it), rips an arm off one of his friends (who doesn’t, although he has a couple of extra to spare), and spirals down into a revengeful, suicidal haze. Depressing as hell, but very very well done, with Powell’s art and script telling an efficient, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Angela, Annihilator, Ant-Man, Avengers, Black Vortex, Cluster, Hawkeye, Hellboy, Lady Killer, Miracleman, Nameless, Postal, Rat God, Saga, Squirrel Girl, Star Wars, Stray Bullets, Superman, The Goon, United States of Murder Inc., Velvet, Wytches
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