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Tag Archives: Batman Eternal
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #298

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is traditionally very light, and this one’s no exception — but, fortunately, there are still some comics worth mentioning: Abigail and the Snowman #1 (of 4) — Writer/Artist: Roger Langridge; Colors: Fred Stresing Langridge has delivered a lot of quality humor/bigfoot books over the last few years; his dry British wit and adaptable art made him perfect for The Muppets, and he pivoted from that to a pitch-perfect Elsie Segar-inspired Popeye. On his own, he also produced Snarked, a Lewis Carroll pastiche, and now this: a story about a little girl who meets … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #267

The Shadow: Midnight in Moscow #1 (of 6) — Writer/Artist: Howard Chaykin The Shadow’s one of those classic characters who attracts creators — Denny O’Neil and Michael Kaluta in the ’70s, and Chaykin himself in the ’80s — who see him as an effective springboard for slam-bang pulp adventure. This story’s set in 1949, a period whose fashions and people Chaykin has always loved to draw (Satellite Sam, his other current work, is set the same era — and written by Matt Fraction, who knows full well how to keep his artists happy), and watching him set up his plot, craft … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Batman Eternal, Daredevil, Forever Evil, Future's End, Justice League, MPH, Original Sin, Saga, Spider-man, The Shadow, Velvet, X-men
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #263

So far, this has been the year of the first issue, with lots of reboots, brand-new series and plain-old-relaunches almost every week. This time, we’ve got nine first issues to look at (and there were actually a few more than that I didn’t get to), so let’s start with the obvious best-seller: Batman Eternal #1 (of 52) — Story: Scott Snyder; Script: James Tynion IV; Consulting Writers: Ray Fawkes, John Layman and Tim Seeley; Art: Jason Fabok DC isn’t stupid: if you want to sell more comics, take your top-selling book and create a one-year weekly comic about it, making … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Astro City, Avengers, Batman Eternal, Captain America, Doop, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Kick Ass, Lola XOXO, Lumberjanes, Nightcrawler, Shutter, Ultimates, X-men
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