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Tag Archives: Incognito
Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #193

Captain America #616 — Writers: Ed Brubaker, Howard Chaykin, Cullen Bunn, Mike Benson, Frank Tieri, Kyle Higgins & Alec Siegel; Art: Travis Charest, Howard Chaykin, Mike Deodato, Ed McGuinness, Jason Latour, Paul Grist, Paul Azeceta, Pepe Larraz This 70th Anniversary issue offers over 100 pages (I counted 104, plus the covers) for $4.99, so it’s a great deal, especially given that list of creators. Brubaker offers a one-page origin, a 15-page chapter in the regular book’s ongoing saga (involving Bucky/Cap in a Russian gulag), and another 15-page story with Steve Rogers trying to decide whether to don the uniform again … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Butcher Baker, Captain America, Echo, Incognito, Kick Ass, Spider-man, Thor
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #191

Uncle Scrooge #401 — Writer/Artist: Don Rosa: “The Universal Solvent.” Rosa originally wrote this 24-page story in 1995, for (I think) one of the European Disney books; it appeared here in the US in 1997 in Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #s 604-606. Gyro Gearloose invents the titular solvent (to demonstrate it to a skeptical Scrooge, he pours it through a stack of “the most impervious substances known to mankind,” starting with lead, and going through iron to “titanium steel,” “impervium,” and, at the bottom, “Disney contract”), and Scrooge spills a bottle on the ground, setting off a wild, science-fueled adventure … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Bendis, Boys, Brubaker, Don Rosa, Ennis, Incognito, John Severin, Jonah Hex, Jordi Bernet, Mike Mignola, Powers, Ryp, Uncle Scrooge, Universal Solvent, Witchfinder, Wolverine
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #182

Hellboy/Beasts of Burden #1 (of 1) — Writers: Evan Dorkin with Mike Mignola; Art: Jill Thompson Alan put this book out as my contribution to the “Pick Hits” wall for the week without even asking, because he knows how much I love Dorkin and Thompson’s spook-chasing critters, and this crossover with Hellboy (with Mignola providing the Big Red Demon’s dialog) doesn’t disappoint: same clever bits, same effective characterization, same refusal to go for the easy cuteness, same wonderful, award-winning art. If you’ve never encountered Beasts of Burden before, this is a great intro, and a perfect Hallowe’en present; if you … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Action Comics, Avengers, Beasts of Burden, Bendis, Billy the Kid, Brubaker, Captain America, Eric Powell, Evan Dorkin, Goon, Hellboy, Incognito, Jack of Fables, Jill Thompson, Kyle Hotz, Lex Luthor, Master of Kung Fu, Mike Mignola, Millar, Neil Gaiman, Sean Phillips, Secret Avengers, Superman, Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Spider-man, vampires, X-men
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