Happy 2025!
It’s hard to believe it’s almost five years since the retail part of AABC closed, but we are still selling thousands of early comics on eBay (seller AMGIROUX) weekly and through mail order. We still have hundreds of thousands of comics to sell so feel free to email us with your want list:Alan @AllAboutComics.comFacebook
Tag Archives: Gold Digger
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #326
Another big week, with twelve Secret Wars tie-ins (including four debuts), a bunch of second issues involving last month’s DC relaunches, and other interesting stuff, including the final Matt Fraction/David Aja Hawkeye, a new Kieron Gillen sf book, and new issues of Lumberjanes, Justice League, Trees, Groo and Usagi Yojimbo: all perfect for summertime reading. Adjust the hammock, put another ice cube in the lemonade, and let’s get started… Secret Wars: Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1 (of 2) — Writer: Al Ewing; Pencils: Alan Davis; Inks: Mark Farmer; Colors: Wil Quintana Secret Wars: Guardians of Knowhere #1 (of … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Ant-Man, Armor Wars, Astro City, Battleworld, Black Canary, Captain Britain, Captain Marvel, Crossed, Doctor Fate, Doomed, Gold Digger, Green Lantern, Groo, Guardians of Knowhere, Hail Hydra, Hawkeye, Inhumans, Justice League, Lumberjanes, Martian Manhunter, Mercury Heat, Planet Hulk, Rachel Rising, Robin, Secret Six, Secret Wars, Siege, Silver Surfer, Trees, Usagi Yojimbo, Where Monsters Dwell
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Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #250
Young Avengers #5 — Writer: Kieron Gillen; Art: Jamie McKelvie with Mike Norton The comics that take first position in these reviews are generally the ones that make me happy — and that’s why this issue of Young Avengers, which concludes its first arc, is at the top this week: I love McKelvie’s expressive, very clean-lined art; I love Gillen’s group dynamics and clever plotting and sense of humanity and humor, and I especially like the way he uses Loki as the instigator and commentator, and in this issue gives a callback to his wonderful Journey Into Mystery run on … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #216
Prophet #21 — Writer: Brandon Graham; Art: Simon Roy This is a second printing of a book that came out a few weeks ago, a revival of one of Image Comics’s mainstays of the ’90s — but it sold out so quickly, and unexpectedly, that even I didn’t get a copy. It’s here now, though, and it’s worth a look: it’s about as far away from the Rob Liefeld original as possible, involving a haunting far-future-Earth story, as John Prophet awakes from a centuries-long sleep and must cross a very alien landscape to carry out a mysterious mission. Graham, the writer, … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, B.P.R.D., Daredevil, Fables, Fred Perry, Glamourpuss, Gold Digger, New Avengers, Paolo Rivera, Prophet, Roger Langridge, Simon Roy, Snarked!, Winter Soldier
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