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Tag Archives: Unexpected
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #476

Doctor Strange #1 (#391) — Writer: Mark Waid; Art/Colors: Jesus Saiz Captain America #703 — Writer: Mark Waid; Art: Leonardo Romero with Alan Davis and Mark Farmer; Colors: Jordie Bellaire with Irma Kniivila Ant-Man and the Wasp #1 — Writer: Mark Waid; Art: Javier Garron; Colors: Israel Silva Ant-Man and the Wasp: Living Legends #1 (of 1) — Writer: Ralph Macchio; Art: Andrea di Vito; Colors: Laura Villari True Believers: Ant-Man and the Wasp — The Birth of Giant-Man #1 (of 1) — Writer: Stan Lee; Art: Jack Kirby with Don Heck Longtime comics scripter Mark Waid gets a hat … Continue reading
The Latest and (Mostly) Greatest #33 by Dan!

So we’re back in business, and now we’re taking on the number twos, which sounds weird to me, but I’m also a 12-year-old, so that makes it funnier. Before attacking the DC relaunch, we’re actually gunna hit up some other comics, including more #1’s, that are worth noting this week. Let’s do this! Legion of Monster #1 Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Juan Doe I don’t know why I love this book. To put it simply, it’s a team-up monster comic that’s absolutely hilarious. It’s in the style of things like N.E.X.T.W.A.V.E. and it’s damn good, especially for a book with … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Batgirl, Batman and Robin, Batwoman, Deathstroke, Frankenstein, Green Lantern, Legion of Super-Heroes, Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D., Suicide Squad, Superboy, Unexpected, X-men
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