All right folks, we’re here, let’s do this!
Saga #11 Writer: Brian K Vaughan Artist: Fiona Staples
So Saga is pretty awesome, but you knew that already, right? After last issue’s… maybe, upsetting character kill, this issue kicks you in the gut just as hard. Vaughan, as always, makes the reader care about his characters, to the point where the sci-fi weirdness is almost irrelevant. This is the kind of comic that’s accessible to anyone, it’s just really good stuff. Staples art style is something you have to get used to, but once you do, every little piece of effort she puts into it shines on the page. I do wonder how long this story can go on, and a lot of background pieces have already been explained, but the journey forward is what really matters, and that journey is awesome!
Deadpool #6 Writer: Brian Posehn & Gerry Duggan Artist: Tony Moore
Holy Cow this book is hilarious! Everything about the presidents finally comes to a head, or a headless depending on how you look at it. We all knew that George Washington was going to be the last president standing, but how we get there is what really matters. While the book is full of tons of one-liners, almost per panel, it’s Moore’s art that puts this book over the top. He always has an attention to detail that makes the book instantly re-readable. I’m wondering what the book will look like with a new artist, and it could hurt, but it’s still the laugh-out-loud funniest book on the stands right now.
Constantine #1 Writer: Jeff Lemire and Ray Fawkes Artist: Renato Guedes
Uh-oh. This is definitely not a Vertigo book. The one thing that’s going to really hurt this book is that it will be consistently compared to what was a pretty solid 300 issue run before it. It’s clear that because it’s now a mainstream DC book, we’re ditching all the hard edges of what was John Constantine and cleaning him up. That means we’re even editing the cover, which originally had Constantine smoking a cigarette (kids! shield your eyes!). This tame Constantine doesn’t quite work in a fairly generic first issue. Lemire is a solid writer, but I expect more from him, and this one just doesn’t deliver.
Justice League #18 Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Jesus Saiz
Justice League of America #2 Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: David Finch
Uggggh. I’m just so totally fed up with everything Justice League related. I must just not like the concept itself. I tried with Meltzer, I tried with McDuffie, I tried with Robinson and now I’ve tried with Johns. I’m just done. Nothing important ever happens. In our main title they decide to recruit some new people into the team, including the enigmatic Platinum, who doesn’t do anything important. They make a decision? I guess, and then they move on. As for “of America”, the team goes to fight Robot Batman? I guess? I’m not sure cuz’ it’s a mess. And that includes David Finch, who can’t draw, especially when he’s rushed. They’re just not good folks. End of story.
Action Comics #18 Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Rags Morales:
I can’t say either way whether Morrison’s run was that good, but I can say I’ll re-read it almost immediately. Everything built to this moment is clearing out the evil Mxyptlyk-type guy. Superman rallies the world to believe in him again, everything comes to a head, then everything else gets put neatly back into a box. It was a pretty good ending, but I can tell that I need to re-read all the issues to really get the full effect. That’s the main difference between Morrison and Johns from Justice League, I know there’s something good here, but I have to take the time to look into it. Morales’ art was consistently solid, and there’s a ton of content, so this is actually worth the $4.99 price tag.
And now it’s time for some quick hits!
Captain America #5 Writer: Rick Remender Artist: John Romita: Man, I just do not like this book. It’s just not very good. I love Zola and Captain America, but the story is stupid and not good and ugly. Pass.
Conan the Barbarian #14 Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Mirko Colak: I have loved Wood’s work on the Conan book, but the art changes have definitely hurt the quality of the book. This is still well done, but I feel like it’s coming to an end soon…
Five Ghosts: the Haunting of Fabian Gray: This is an interesting book where a man is possessed by literary ghosts and uses their unique abilities. It’s good stuff, and an enjoyable first issue. Should be a good mini-series.
Vibe #2 Writer: Geoff Johns & Andrew Kreisberg Artist: Pete Woods: This book is just… not very interesting, not worth keeping around. Just very “meh.”
New Avengers #4 Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Steve Epting: Man do I love this book! It’s built into a totally different thing than I expected. It’s really, really good and you should read it. That is all.
Mind MGMT #9 Writer/Artist: Matt Kindt: I will never stop hyping this book. It’s just the absolute best with multiple layers and ides are flowing seamlessly. So very very good.
And that’s the week! Goodnight!