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It’s hard to believe it’s almost five years since the retail part
of AABC closed!
We are still selling early comics on eBay weekly
(seller AMGIROUX)
and through mail order.
And we still have hundreds of thousands of comics
to sell, so feel free to email us with your
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Tag Archives: Ross Andru
It Came From the Back Room #30

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items. I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed, this amounts to a two-year project. Something different this week: I’m working on the letter “F” now — specifically, back issues of Flash — but I’ll cover the discount stuff from that in my next posting, once it’s all finished and available on the cover price racks. Instead, since it turned out that we had so many cool (and key) Silver Age issues of … Continue reading
Posted in DC, News & Promos, News and Events, Silver Age
Tagged Carmine Infantino, Flash, Gil Kane, original art, Ross Andru, Silver Age
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It Came From the Back Room #8

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items. I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (especially with the school year now in full gear), this amounts to a two-year project. I’m currently on the Marvel “M” stuff, and here are some of the titles I’ve been encountering: Marvel Two-In-One This is Marvel’s ’70s/’80s Thing team-up book, which lasted exactly 100 issues. Like all such books , it’s mostly done-in-one stories, and the pattern (Thing and guest-star meet, socialize … Continue reading
Posted in Marvel, News & Promos, Reviews
Tagged Bill Mantlo, Black Panther, Black Widow, Chris Claremont, Frank Miller, George Perez, Gerry Conway, Gil Kane, John Byrne, Karma, Len Wein, Marvel Team-UP, Marvel Two-In-One, Ross Andru, Sal Buscema, Sandman, Saturday Night Live, Spider-Woman, Steve Gerber, Storm, Thing, X-men
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