Happy 2025!
It’s hard to believe it’s almost five years since the retail part
of AABC closed!
We are still selling early comics on eBay weekly
(seller AMGIROUX)
and through mail order.
And we still have hundreds of thousands of comics
to sell, so feel free to email us with your
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Tag Archives: Dave Cockrum
It Came From the Back Room #13

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items. I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed (even with school on holiday break right now), this amounts to a two-year project. This week, I’m on the letter “L.” As it turns out, there are no Marvel “L” regular series, so it’s all indy and DC titles for the time being. Here’s what’s new out on the discount racks: Legion of Super-Heroes: Yes, it’s actually only one title, but since it’s … Continue reading →
Posted in Comics History, DC, Reviews
Tagged Andy Lanning, Barry Kitson, Cary Bates, Dan Abnett, Dave Cockrum, Francis Manapul, Gerry Conway, Great Darkness Saga, Greg LaRoque, Howard Chaykin, James Sherman, Jim Shooter, Jim Starlin, Joe Staton, Jose Munoz, keith Giffen, Legion of Super-Heroes, LSH, Mark Waid, Mike Grell, Mike Nasser, Olivier Coipel, Paul Levitz, Steve Ditko, Steve Lightle, Superboy, Walt Simonson
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