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Tag Archives: Arrow
Phil’s Reviews — Stuff I Bought #237

All-New X-Men #2 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Pencils: Stuart Immonen; Inks: Wade von Grawbadger New Avengers #34 — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: Mike Deodato Two by Bendis, a beginning and an ending. The X-Men is the second issue, and after all the set-up of the first it actually takes off and offers an intriguing look at the teenage X-Men, brought from the past by a dying Beast to try to talk sense into the current Scott Summers. This is the very definition of “high concept,” of course, but, eye-rolling aside, it works very well — what fan can … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged A + X, All-new X-men, Arrow, Batman, Fatale, FF, Incorporated, Joe Kubert Presents, Masks, Multiple Warheads, New Avengers, Silk Spectre, Uncanny Avengers
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Wild Wednesday SALE/ Uncanny Avengers Launch Party/Arrow Day Giveaway

Join us Wed. Oct 10th from 10 am to 8 pm for the first All About Wild Wednesday SALE! Get the first of the Big New MARVEL NOW books, Uncanny Avengers #1. Variants/ Special Launch Day Incentives and Free Refreshments. Get a FREE copy of Arrow, the comic that kicks off the hot new Warner Bros. Arrow TV Show (while supplies last). Get 25% off any Avengers, X-men or Green Arrow Back Issues! Spend $50.00 or more and make it 30% off!* *Maximum Discount on Consignment is 25% off. Not valid with any other discount, coupons or bucks. Continue reading
Posted in News & Promos, News and Events
Tagged Arrow, Avengers, Back issue Comics, Green Arrow, Launch Party, Marvel Now, Sale, Uncanny Avengers, Uncanny x-men, X-men
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