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Tag Archives: Seven to Eternity
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #397

Jughead #11 — Writer: Ryan North; Art/Colors: Derek Charm Saga #40 — Writer: Brian K. Vaughan; Art/Colors: Fiona Staples Monstress #8 — Writer: Marjorie Liu; Art/Colors: Sara Takeda Deadly Class #24 — Writer: Rick Remender; Art: Wes Craig; Colors: Jordan Boyd Seven to Eternity #3 — Writer: Rick Remender; Art: Jerome Opena; Colors: Matt Hollingsworth Rick and Morty #20 — Writer/Artist: Kyle Starks; Colors: Katy Farina (Second story) — Writer/Artist: Marc Ellerby The non-Marvel and DC books seem to float to the top of my pile lately; they’re the ones I want to read first, because they move in unexpected … Continue reading
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #392

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #12 — Writers: Brandon Montclare and Amy Reeder; Art: Natacha Bustos; Colors: Tamra Bonvillain Ms. Marvel #12 — Writer: G. Willow Wilson; Art: Mirka Andolfo; Colors: Ian Herring Silver Surfer #7 — Writer: Dan Slott; Art: Michael Allred; Colors: Laura Allred The Vision #12 (of 12) — Writer: Tom King; Art: Gabriel Hernandez Walta; Colors: Jordie Bellaire These were the better Marvel books for the week — Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur ends its second arc in fine form, just as appealingly nerdy as ever, and excellent in both art and story. The writers up … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Avengers, Batman Beyond, Civil War II, Deadpool, Devil Dinosaur, Doctor Strange, Jughead, Lumberjanes, Moon Girl, Ms. Marvel, Outcast, Prowler, Punisher, Rick and Morty, Saga, Seven to Eternity, Silver Surfer, Spider-man, Spook House, Stray Bullets, Teen Titans, Vigilants, Vision, Wonder Woman
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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #387

Civil War II #5 (of 8) — Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Art: David Marquez; Art Assist: Sean Izaakse; Colors: Justin Ponsor Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat #10 — Writer: Kate Leth; Art: Brittney Williams; Colors: Megan Wilson The Mighty Thor #11 — Writer: Jason Aaron; Art: Russell Dauterman; Colors: Matthew Wilson The Vision #11 (of 12) — Writer: Tom King; Art: Gabriel Hernandez Walta; Colors: Jordie Bellaire Amazing Spider-Man #18 — Writer: Dan Slot; Pencils: R. B. Silva; Inks: Adriano di Benedetto; Colors: Marte Gracia The Punisher #5 — Writer: Becky Cloonan; Art: Steve Dillon; Colors: Frank Martin International Iron Man … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Amazing Spider-man, Archie, Batman, Civil War II, Cyborg, Dept.H., Hellcat, I Hate Fairyland, Iron Man, Lucifer, Nightwing, Punisher, Raven, Seven to Eternity, She Wolf, Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, Superman, Thor, Trinity, Vision, Wicked and the Divine
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