Tag Archives: Starfire

Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #325

Lots and lots of comics this week — including thirteen (!) Secret Wars tie-ins — so let’s just do it: Secret Wars: Age of Apocalypse #1 (of 4) — Writer: Fabian Nicieza;  Art: Gerardo Sandoval;  Colors: David Curiel Secret Wars: Civil War #1 (of 4) — Writer: Charles Soule;  Pencils: Leinil Francis Yu;  Inks: Gerry Alanguilan;  Colors: Sunny Cho Secret Wars: 1872 #1 (of 3) — Writer: Gerry Duggan;  Art: Nik Virella;  Colors: Lee Loughridge Secret Wars: Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #2 (of 4) — Writer: Gerry Duggan;  Art: Salva Espin;  Colors: Val Staples Secret Wars: Ghost Racers … Continue reading

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Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #321

Another big week — Marvel’s right in the middle of Secret Wars, with no regular issue but twelve tie-ins, while DC continues rolling out its new titles, with five debuts — plus a couple of #1s from other publishers, plus the regular good stuff too. Let’s jump right in: Secret Wars: Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1 (of 3) — Writers: Kelly Sue DeConnick and Kelly Thompson;  Art/Colors: David Lopez Secret Wars: Ghost Racers #1 (of 3) — Writer: Felipe Smith;  Art: Juan Gedeon;  Color: Tamra Bonvillain Secret Wars: Inferno #2 (of 4) — Writer: Dennis Hopeless;  Art: Javier Garron; … Continue reading

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